Chapter 9 - Results

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Bruce walks in not long after you've woken up.

"Hey Y/N, I'm Bruce, how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright."

"That's good to hear. I want to go over your results with you and Clint." Bruce states as he sits down on a stool.

"Okay." You respond as you look between Clint and Bruce.

"Well, looking at your results you have high amounts of the serum, same as Steve, but nothing out of the ordinary came up, what are your powers exactly?" Bruce adds 

"I have telekinetic powers." You answer 

"That makes sense. Do you know why they used the serum on you?" Bruce asks

You shake your head, "No, they really didn't tell me much and I think them adding the serum was part of the torture."

"Okay, and I did draw a blood test to confirm your age and you are in fact 25." Bruce noted as he got up.

"Thanks Bruce." You chuckle softly.

"You're welcome." Bruce replies before leaving your room, leaving you and Clint in the room again.

You and Clint talk more about his family and everything that had happened over the past 12 years with Clint over the next few minutes. Everything from his wedding day, how he met Laura, to his kids and how he became an Avenger. 

Peter came down a few minutes later to let you and Clint know that it's time for dinner.

"Hey Peter, what's up?" Clint asks

"Oh, Mr. Stark wanted me to let you guys know that it's time for dinner."

Clint turns to you and asks, "Do you want to go up for dinner? I don't want to overwhelm you too much if you're feeling anxious right now about meeting everyone." 

"No, it's fine. It sounds good, I'm getting hungry anyway." You respond as you get up off the upholstered bed that was in the room.

As the three of you are walking upstairs, you start talking with Peter, who was very enthusiastic to meet you.

"I'm Peter by the way." Peter says as he turns to you.

"I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you." You smile.

"You too." Peter reciprocates the smile back, "So I heard you have powers, what kind of powers do you have?"

You smile, "Yeah, I have telekinetic powers."

"That's so cool!" He responds as the three of you continue walking upstairs. You get to talking with Peter about what he likes among other things as you continue walking upstairs with Peter and Clint. 

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