Chapter 61- Hold me close before you go

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You talk with Laura over ideas of how to start planning for the wedding from colors to who you'll be inviting to the wedding to what decorations you'll need for the wedding. Clint and Laura offer to pay for the wedding, which you happily agree and gratefully accept. You didn't realize that there would be so much going into the wedding planning but you're grateful that you've got three amazing women to help you with the planning and that it's going to be a small, special and intimate gathering with your friends and loved ones.

Wanda had made dinner for the team but you and Bucky had decided to eat dinner in your shared room since it was the night before Bucky was going to leave for the mission and you both wanted time together before he leaves. There is a comfortable silence as you both are eating dinner, knowing that this will definitely be a hard night for the both of you.

After dinner, the both of you get ready for bed since Bucky was going to up early in the morning. As you are sitting in bed, already changed and waiting for Bucky, you wonder how Bucky is feeling about this mission.

"Buck?" You ask as you watch him change into his sweatpants in the closet. He walks out of the closet and sits in his side of the bed and hums in response, "hmm?"

You lay on his chest as he puts his arm around you, "How are you feeling about tomorrow?" You ask, wondering how he's feeling about leaving you for this mission, for the first time in forever.

As Bucky lays with you, he thinks about his response while he takes your hand into his, "Honestly, I'm scared as hell to be going on this mission and I can't help but feel guilty for leaving."

"Why?" You ask with sincerity in your voice

He takes a deep shaky breath as he gently rubs your arm as the both of you lay together, "Because I'm leaving you for the next couple months right as we should be getting wedding preparations ready and with everything that has happened with you... I just... I don't know... I can't help but feel guilty for leaving."

You sit up on your side of the bed and you give his hand a reassuring squeeze, "Buck, I should be fine, it's not like I'm going to be leaving the Compound anytime soon and it's like we agreed on, I'll do what I can here and we'll FaceTime each other and I can update you as we go along."

"I know, doll, but I still can't help but feel guilty for leaving and what will happen to us if something does happen to me?" Bucky admits as his voice softens.

"Buck, don't you remember when we had that talk about marriage and you had asked me if anything were to happen to you, I would still marry you? Nothing is going to change that." You remind him, "Plus if anything does happen to you, I can blame it on Tony." You chuckle trying to lift the mood but knowing that these next couple months are going to be hard without Bucky.

"Now that you do mention it, I told Tony that if anything does happen to me that you would look for me day in and day out with or without his help." Bucky admits as he continues to hold you close.

You smile sadly at the thought but it also scares you. Bucky moves his arm from around your shoulder to take off his dog tags, "Here I want to give you this."

"Buck? Your dog tags?" Your voice softens as he hands you his dog tags. Your fingers trail over the engraving of his name on the small metal plates that it is strung with the metal ball chain.

Bucky nods, "If anything does happen to me, I want you to keep it safe for me and I want to give you a couple more things."

"Okay?" You wonder as you watch him get off the bed to grab a couple things out of the closet. He comes out holding his favorite hoodie, which has become your favorite hoodie as well and his half empty bottle of cologne.

"I want you to keep these and wear them whenever you miss me." Bucky says as he hands you his stuff. The reality that he's leaving the next day for a mission, and this will be the first time that you guys will be apart breaks your heart, to where you start to cry. You look up at Bucky with tears in your eyes and nod as the tears start streaming down your face.

Bucky places his hands on your face as he gently wipes the tears away from your face, "I love you, doll." He whispers as he places a tender kiss on your lips. Your lips were pressed together as Bucky continued to place a few delicate kisses on your lips.

"I love you, too, Buck." You say as you finally rest your head on his chest. The both of you hold each other for the rest of the night as you both fall asleep.

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