Chapter 43- Forgiveness

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"Buck?" You quietly called out his name.

"Come in," Bucky answers in a low,  husky voice.

You hesitantly place your hand on the doorknob and take a deep breath before you open his bedroom door to his bedroom. You open his door and closed the door behind you and found Bucky sitting on his bed facing the window with his curtains drawn closed. You sit down next to him and notice that his eyes are red and puffy from crying.

There is a moment of silence as you nervously look at your hands, you take a deep breath, "Look, I'm sorry for the way I reacted the other night. I knew it wasn't you killed my parents, it was the Winter Soldier. I was just upset by the fact if there were any other way, they could possibly still alive today."

He doesn't say anything for a moment, in which you get concerned. You place your hand on his knee, he puts his hand into yours and takes a moment before he does say anything. He breathes shakily, "I get that, doll, and you have every right to feel the way that you felt and if I were in your position, I would've reacted the same way and I would never hurt you intentionally. And I'm sorry for what happened. I wish they were still alive so that way they could meet the real me."

You smile tenderly and give Bucky's hand a reassuring squeeze, "I know, Buck. I know you would never try to hurt me intentionally and I wish the same thing but you can't change the past. And I'm already so incredibly grateful for you and I love you so much, that nothing will change that. Plus, if my parents were still alive, they would love you like I love you."

He looks at you with tears in his eyes, "I love you too, doll."

He places both of his hands on your face and gently caresses your face with his thumbs. He looks at you with his beautiful, dreamy blue eyes. He pulls you in and kisses you with his soft, full lips. You closed as eyes as your heart pounded and your stomach was fluttering as you both continue to kiss each other. It felt like all time stopped, all that time that you have spent away from each other for the past few days felt like nothing happened. This kiss felt  gentle, passionate, and longing. You both tilt your heads to the side as Bucky's right hand moves to the back of your neck and his left hand stays on the side of your face as you continue to kiss each other hungrily. He smirked into the kiss as he pulls away for a moment and says in a low voice, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too." You add as you place another kiss on his lips again.

You gently brush his unkempt hair away from his eyes, "Have you slept?" You wonder.

Bucky shakes his head, "No. I haven't, cause I've been worried about my nightmares and I've been worried about you, have you slept?"

"No, I haven't slept for the same reason." You reply.

"Do you want to stay in here or go back to your room?" Bucky asks

"Let's just stay in here, but under one condition." You state as you raise your pointer finger.

Bucky smiles, "What's that?"

"That we get more cuddle time together." You giggle

"Agreed." Bucky nods.

You and Bucky move to the top of the bed, you both lay down and you lay your head on his chest and listen to his slow heartbeat. His warmth enveloped you as he holds you tight. You missed him. You missed his touch and his warmth. You both fall asleep holding each other. You wake up to Bucky still holding you and check the time on your phone, the time that is shown is 4:30 PM. You sigh and caress his chin and feel his stubble. You feel the scars on his face from where you guess when he was the Winter Soldier and where he was tortured. Feeling the scars puts into perspective that he went through a lot when he was the Winter Soldier and that you love him even more for what he's done for you. You put your arms around his body and rest your head on his chest. You sigh, you love Bucky and are so grateful for him. Bucky finally wakes up to you holding him, he kisses you.

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