Chapter 28 - Lost in the darkness

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"You okay Buck?" Steve asks

Bucky shakes his head.

"You wanna talk about it?" Sam asks

Bucky shakes his head. The three of them sit in silence for a few minutes until Bucky speaks up.

"They found a microchip for tracking, which is probably how Hydra was able to find her."

"Oh Buck, I'm so sorry." Steve says softly

"Yeah, they must have implanted it after I left." Bucky breathes shakily.

"So what's the plan now?" Sam asks

"I don't know. I guess just wait until she wakes up."

"How long did they say she would be under?" Steve asks

"They don't know. It could be weeks, it could be months. Which is why I'm going to be staying with her 24/7 just to make sure she's alright and that I'll be there when she wakes up."

"What about Clint?" Steve asks

"I don't know. I know he called his wife about the situation and I told him that I will stay with her and protect her, no matter the cost." He responds shakily

Both Sam and Steve nod, "Shall we go inside?" Steve asks

"Yeah." Bucky says quietly.

The three of them get up and go inside to the hospital. Steve and Sam tell the receptionist that they are in to visit you and the three of them walk into the ICU to your room.

Peter walks over to the window, back facing you, Clint and Tony. He covers his eyes and starts to quietly sob. Tony notices and walks over to Peter and places a hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter looks up at Tony with his red, tear stained face.

"You okay kid?" Tony asks him sincerely.

"No. It's hard seeing my best friend in a coma." Peter says choking through his sobs

"I know. But I have a feeling that she will bounce back from this and everything will be okay, why don't you get yourself a drink of water?" Tony asks as he places a hand on Peter's shoulder. 

Peter nods and quietly leaves your room to get a drink of water. When Peter leaves the room, Clint brings up the paperwork with Tony and asks if he could analyze the blood work to see if anything happened with the serum in your blood. Tony takes the paper with your blood work numbers on it and agrees to analyze your blood work to help his friend and his niece. 

Bucky takes a few minutes to compose himself before he walks into your room, so that way he doesn't let Tony or Peter see that he's been crying. He's not one to show his emotions but he was somehow willing to allow himself to show his emotions in front of Steve and Sam right in that moment, considering the circumstances they understood that Bucky would be upset. Course there were seldom times that Bucky has ever been as upset as this. He's had really bad nightmares, where he's felt like he might lose all control but for him to almost lose the love of his life, is one of those instances where he was definitely not okay.

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