Chapter 45- Proposal Part 1

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Over the next few days, Bucky is counting down the days until he can finally propose to you. Bucky talks with Nat, Wanda, Steve, and Sam about the proposal making sure that they've got everything and making sure that everyone except Peter knows about the proposal. There is a lot of excitement surrounding the upcoming holiday. Bucky is especially excited to finally propose to you. The night before he plans on proposing to you he lays out a dress on the bench that was at the end of your bed. He wrote out a note.

Morning doll,

I love you and I hope you slept well last night. I'm making breakfast in bed for you because I have a special night planned for the both of us. I picked out a dress if you want to wear it for tonight, but you don't have to! Hope you like waffles! Haha cause that is what i'm making for breakfast!

Love you!


You wake up and find the note on Bucky's side. You giggle while reading the note. You sit up in bed and remember that everyone is coming into town to stay with you and Clint's family. You get excited and you wait for Bucky to come in with breakfast.

A few minutes later Bucky comes in carrying a couple of plates.

"Hey doll." He comes in with a big smile on his face.

"Hey Buck." You respond, also smiling as he came in.

"I made you breakfast." He says as he hands you the plate.

"Thank you." You say as you grab the plate.

He lies down next to you and hands you a fork and knife.

"So Mr. Barnes, what do we have planned for tonight?" You ask before you put a mouthful of waffle into your mouth.

"That I'm not going to tell you."

You sigh, "We're really going to do this again?"

"Yes, but I will give you a hint."

"Oh okay?"

"We're going to leave the house for our evening out."

"Really?" You ask excitedly.

"Yes, but I'm not going to say anything else."

"That's totally fine. I'm excited to finally get out of the house."

"Me too doll." He smiles and kisses you.

You spend the rest of the morning getting ready for the evening with Bucky and for when the rest of the team gets to the house. The Avengers make it to the house. You, Bucky, Clint, and Laura meet the Avengers outside. They arrive on the Quinjet. The first to leave the Quinjet is Peter. He runs out of the Quinjet and hugs you.

"I missed you Y/N!"

"I missed you too, how are you?"

"I'm good, I'm excited to spend the next couple days with you."

"Me too, what have you been up to?"

"Just busy with school and working with Mr. Stark, what about you?"

"Nothing much, just trying to keep myself busy." You laugh and you turn to see the rest of the team come out of the Quinjet, you meet up with the rest of the team as well as Peter's Aunt May to say hello to them. You all but Bucky, Sam, Steve, Wanda and Nat walk back to the house

"Hey guys."

"Hey Buck." Steve responds, hugging Bucky

"Hey Bucky." Sam says

"Hey Bucky." Nat and Wanda say together

"Did we get everything?" Bucky asks Wanda, Nat, Steve and Sam

"Yeah we did." Nat says as she pulls out a bag with the supplies

"What are you going to do tonight?" Sam asks

"I'm going to take her out on a picnic around 5 where there is a lake and a gazebo and come back around 7."

"We'll set everything up while you're gone." Wanda responds excitedly

"Who else knows about the engagement?" Bucky asks

"Everyone else except Peter, cause you know how he is with secrets, hope you're okay that we told everyone else." Nat says

"Yeah that's totally fine, I'd just thought I'd make sure, will Thor be here for the engagement?"

"Yeah he will." Sam responds

"Are you ready Buck?" Steve asks

"As ready as I'll ever be, but I love her and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her." Bucky grins as he looks over at you, as you are talking with Peter's Aunt May.

"I'm proud of you Buck."

"Thanks Steve."

They walk inside and find everyone else gathered in the living room. Bucky sits next to you and puts his arm around you. You guys are all talking, and Bucky notices the time. He leans in and whispers in your ear, "Hey, we should probably leave in a few minutes for our date tonight."

"Okay." You blushed.

Bucky leans over to Clint and asks to borrow his truck for your date tonight. Clint hands Bucky the keys. He gets up and outstretched his hand for you to hold onto. You take his hand and say goodbye to your friends.

"Bye guys." You say as you get up and grab your jacket.

"Where are you guys going?" Peter asks

"We're going on a date." Bucky says

"Oh okay, well have fun!" Peter says

Bucky grabs a picnic basket that he must have prepared that morning. You walk out with Bucky to the truck, he picks you up and sits you in the passenger seat. He gets into the driver's seat and starts the truck. He starts driving and you ask him, "Where are we going?"

"Well, there is a lake with a gazebo where we are going to have our picnic."

"Okay, now I'm excited." You giggle

You and Bucky drive for the next hour to your destination just talking about life and what you would want to do once you finally recover. You and Bucky finally arrive at your destination. You look out in amazement and take in the view once Bucky opens your door and helps you out of the truck.

"Bucky! This place is beautiful!" You admired

"Just like you." He says, placing a kiss on your cheek and he places a blanket on the ground.

You blush and sit down on the blanket. He sits down next to you and pulls out a couple of sandwiches and hands one to you.

"Thanks Buck."

"You're welcome doll."

You sit and talk about past missions that Bucky has been on since joining the Avengers, more about his life in the 40's, pranks he has pulled on Sam, pranks that he has pulled with Sam on Peter. You sit and laugh and enjoy your time with him and you notice the beautiful sunset. You're sitting with Bucky with your head on his shoulder and his arm around you. After a few minutes you sit up and kiss him. He pulls you in and starts kissing you passionately. You make out for a few more minutes and Bucky notices the time after you guys make out.

"We should probably head back before it gets too dark."

"Okay." You smile

Bucky helps you up and gathers everything and puts everything back in the truck and then carries you bridal style back into the truck. You and Bucky spend the drive back listening and singing to music. Once you get back to the house, you notice that the house is completely dark, you pull out your phone to check the time, the time is 7:00 pm. Bucky helps you out of the truck and you ask him, "Why is it so dark? It's only 7 o'clock."

He shrugs, "I don't know, let's just head back into the house and see what's going on."

"Okay." As you walk back to the house, Bucky is walking a few paces behind you, he starts to kneel down on one knee and pulls out the ring. Once he starts kneeling, Nat flips on the lights that say, "Y/N, will you marry me?"

You stop in your tracks and notice the lights and you turn around to see Bucky kneeling on one knee.

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