Chapter 54 - Christmas Day

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You wake up to it snowing outside, you turn to Bucky, who was still sleeping, and you gently caress his face to wake him up.

"Morning." Bucky greets you with a smile and his usual husky voice.

"Morning Buck, Merry Christmas." You add as you gently brush his hair out of his eye.

"Merry Christmas Doll." Bucky smiles.

The both of you get up and go downstairs to find most everyone awake, sitting around the Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas guys!" You say as you greet everyone who was sitting around the tree.

"Merry Christmas Y/N and Bucky!" Everyone says as the both of you sit down on the couch.

As you wait for everyone to wake up, everyone guesses on who they'll get this year as well as what they'll be getting this year.

Once everyone was up, Tony stood up, "Now that everyone is up, we'll start with the Secret Santa gift exchange and since it's Y/N's first year with us, we'll figure she'll start first."

You nod as you grab Peter's present from under the tree, "This year I got Peter" you say as you hand him his present.

Peter unwraps his present and finds the Star Wars Lego set he was hoping for, and a Star Wars t-shirt and a keychain with his favorite Star Wars character.

"Thank you Y/N" Peter says as he hugs you.

"You're welcome." You add as you smile.

Everyone takes their turn in exchanging their gifts with each other and it got to Steve's turn.

"I had Y/N" Steve says as he hands you your present, "I hope you like it."

You open it to find a sketchbook with art supplies, "I love it. Thank you Steve." You say as you hug him.

After the Secret Santa gift exchange, you all give your personal gifts that you got for each other, including your families'. You wait in anticipation as you watch your family open their presents from you as your family does the same as you open your presents from them.

You and Bucky hand each other's presents once you had opened your presents from your family. You got a heated blanket, a journal and new books from Bucky. You gave Bucky a new watch, a vinyl record player and new cologne bottle.

"Thank you, doll." Bucky expresses as he places a gentle kiss on your lips.

"You're welcome and thank you Buck, for making this Christmas special." You add as you place another kiss on his lips.

"You're welcome, doll and Merry Christmas." Bucky says as he has your face in his hands and pulls you in for another kiss, as he pulls away, he gently caresses your face, in which you couldn't help but lean in his touch.

"Merry Christmas Buck." You smile

You spend the rest of the day just enjoying each other's company and having Christmas dinner together.

You end the night by watching, "Miracle on 34th Street".

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