Chapter 72 - Broken tears

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After you left the conference room, there were a few minutes of silence as the three of them thought about what just happened before Steve finally spoke up.

"We've got to give her some time before she decides to trust us again."

"Yeah, you're right. I just feel bad that the mission went sought and we weren't there to save Bucky." Clint admits.

Steve nods before looking at a half-beaten Tony. "Tony, you're lucky we were standing right here or else she would have killed you and plus we've got to make it up to her by finding Bucky."

Tony doesn't say anything until he stands up and mumbles that if they need him, he'll be in the recovery room with Bruce. 

Clint and Steve go upstairs. Clint goes straight upstairs to change into something more comfortable and to talk to Laura. He goes upstairs and notices your door closed, he walks down to your bedroom door, he hesitates to knock on your door to check on you but he decides to leave you alone, knowing that you need time to process everything. He opens his door to find Nate taking a nap in his play pen and his other two kids quietly coloring, they look up and rush over to Clint to give him the biggest hug. He hugged them close and tight, not wanting to let them go and knowing that he'll feel guilty if anything happens to his kids. As he lets go of his kids, Lila looks at his tired set eyes.

"Are you okay, daddy?" She wonders as she places her hands on his cheeks. She was always extremely intuitive when it came to her and other people's emotions. 

"Yeah, daddy is just tired. Were you good for mommy while I was gone?" Clint asks

She nods, "I was! But Cooper got in trouble with mom a few times." 

"Lila!" Cooper calls out as he looks up.

Clint just chuckles and shakes his head as he stands up. "Laura?" He calls out.

"In here." She says from the closet.

"Hey." Clint greets Laura by placing a kiss on her lips.

"Hey, how did it got talking with Y/N?" She wonders as he walks over to his side of the closet to change into something a little more comfortable.

"Well remind me to never get on Y/N's bad side." He says as he puts his plaid shirt on over his t-shirt. 

"That bad, huh?"

"Yeah, she got so upset that she attacked Tony, which I get it, if anything happened to you or the kids, I would be upset. She's upset with me as well and she has every right to be."

Laura thinks for a moment before responding, knowing that you probably would be more open to talking to her, "If you want, I can try talking to her." 

"Will you?" Clint asks as he looks at her with a love and gentleness that he had always looked at her, especially after the first time they met. 

Laura simply nods before Clint leans down to kiss her. She leaves their room and asks Jarvis where you are. "Jarvis?"

"Yes, Mrs. Barton?"

"Do you happen to know where Y/N is?"

It takes a moment for Jarvis to analyze where you are, "Ms. Barton is in her bedroom."

"Thank you Jarvis." She says as she walks downstairs to your bedroom.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Barton." Jarvis responds before disappearing until someone else needed him.

She knocks on your door before you respond, "Who is it?"

"Honey, it's Laura, can I talk to you?" Laura asks

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