Chapter 41 - The truth about your past

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Bucky was relieved that you didn't ask any further questions as to where he was going but felt bad for lying to you. He texted Clint to let him know that he left with Steve and Sam to go ring shopping.

He sits back and gets excited at the thought of proposing to you. After a couple of hours Bucky, Steve, and Sam arrive back at the Compound. They get into Steve's car and drive to the ring store and meet Nat and Wanda there. they go inside and Bucky tells him that he wants a simple engagement ring for you. Nat, Wanda, Steve, Sam, and Bucky look at different options but it doesn't take Bucky long before he chooses the perfect ring that he knew that you would love.

Steve, Sam, Wanda, and Nat all agree that it's a perfect ring for you. The store clerk puts the ring in a black velvet box and in a bag. They all go out for coffee and discuss proposal ideas.

"Are you thinking about doing something small or one where everyone is involved?" Nat asks

"Probably one where everyone is involved." Bucky says

"Okay." Nat adds

They all give input for ideas on how Bucky can propose to you.

"You want us all there when you propose right?" Wanda asks

"Yeah, that's the plan." Bucky says

"Cause we can string up lights and Bucky can take Y/N out on a picnic or something and by the time it gets dark Bucky and Y/N come back and the house is completely dark and when Y/N is asking why the house is completely dark, Bucky will kneel down and when Bucky kneels down, we'll turn on the "Will you marry me?" Lights and she'll turn around and see Bucky kneeling down to ask." Wanda beams 

Bucky thinks about it for a moment and immediately loves the idea, "That's perfect!"

They talk excitedly about where they'll get the supplies and everything and Steve notices the time. "We should probably get Bucky back."

They all agree and make their way back to the Compound, once they do, they say their goodbyes. Steve, Sam, and Bucky get back onto the Quinjet.

Clint and his family come home from shopping for Thanksgiving, you pause the show as Clint and his family come in.

"Hey Y/N." Clint greets you as he walks in with bags of groceries.

"Hey!" You say as you get up to greet them.

"Where's Bucky?" Laura asks, even though she knew where Bucky was.

"He got called on a last minute team meeting with Steve and Sam."

"Oh okay, when did he say he'll be back?" She says as she's putting groceries away.

"He said he'll be back later tonight, I don't know what time though."

"Okay, sounds good."

Clint walks in again with several bags, "Hey Clint?"

"Hmm, what's up?" He says as he sets the bags down

"I was wondering if I could go through that box of memorabilia that my parents left for me?"

"Yeah just give me a second, I'll get the box."

"Okay." You say

After a few minutes, Clint goes up to the attic to grab the box and comes back downstairs with a big brown box.

"I found it."

You smile as he comes down with the box.

"Do you want this in your room?"


He takes the box and puts the box on your bed. "Do you need anything else?" He asks as he sets the box down.

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