Chapter 31 - Good news

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Bucky takes a hold of your hand and tries to collect his thoughts from the lack of sleep from the past few nights. He clears his throat, so as not to cry, "Y/N, I love you so much and I miss you. Hell, we all miss you. Now you know that I'm not great with words but if I were able to switch places with you, I would. And I'm sorry for what you've had to go through with Hydra and everything that they've put through up until now." Bucky starts to get choked up as the tears start to well up in his eyes, he tries clearing his throat again, as he thinks about both of your experiences with HYDRA, but to no avail, he continues speaking, "But I promise that I'm going to spend every minute with you protecting you no matter the cost. I love you." Bucky gets off his chair to place a kiss on your forehead. He sits back down on the chair and continues to hold onto your hand. Bucky folds his arms on the bed and places his head on his arms, hoping to get some sleep.

However, he hears a small knock on the door, he lifts his head to see who was at the door, he sees that it's Dr. Reid. Bucky sits up as she quietly opens the door.

"How are you, Mr. Barnes?" Dr. Reid asks as she sits down on one of the upholstered stools that was sitting in the room. 

"I'm alright, how are you?" Bucky responds tiredly.

"I'm good. So I wanted to run some tests to see how she's doing in her coma-like state and to see if she'll be waking up soon." Dr. Reid says as she looks through your chart. 

"Alright." Bucky answers.

"I'm going to have a couple of nurses help me run these tests. I was wondering if you don't mind stepping outside while we run these tests." Dr Reid reassures Bucky, making sure that Bucky feels comfortable while she preforms the necessary tests to see if you'll be waking up soon.

"Yeah, of course." Bucky agrees, before he stands up, he gives your hand a soft squeeze and he swore he could feel you squeeze his hand back but he couldn't tell if it was his lack of sleep that caused him to imagine it but he didn't mention it to Dr. Reid cause he thought it was from his lack of sleep. He gets up to stand outside of your room, the two nurses come in.

Dr. Reid and the nurses take your vitals and the check your reflexes. Dr. Reid instructs you to squeeze her hand, in which you do.

Bucky watches in anticipation on the other side of the wall, watching through the window, hoping that when Dr. Reid comes out to talk to him, it'll be with good news. He watches Dr. Reid and the nurses take out the breathing tube, his heart can't help but race as his finally hoping that this is the good news that he's been hoping for. 

After Dr. Reid performs the tests and taxes out the breathing tube, she walks out of your room and smiles, "We've got good news, she will be waking up soon." 

"Thank you." Bucky sighs in relief as he looks over at you, laying in the bed as you're finally breathing without the breathing tube. 

"Let me know if you have any questions, I'll come check on her tomorrow." Dr. Reid concludes.

Bucky nods, "Thank you, I will."

Dr. Reid walks away leaving Bucky to go back in the room with you. Bucky quietly closes the door behind him and walks over to the chair next to your bed as he sits back down, he takes your had into his and watches you breathe for a moment without the breathing tube before saying anything, "I love you so much Y/N. I'm so happy that you're finally going to be waking up soon. I miss you. I miss your smile. I miss your laugh. I miss holding you every night. I miss your kisses. I just... I miss you. I know that the team and Clint will be happy to finally see you awake. I know that I'll be extremely happy but I'm going to try to sleep, even though I haven't slept for days. I'll tell you whey when you wake up." He yawns as he lays his head on top of his arms and as he thinks about you, he feels like it would take forever before he finally falls asleep, while he is holding onto your hand. 

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