Chapter 74 - Somewhere out there

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You spend the next day or so getting things together before you, Steve, Sam, Nat, and Wanda leave. You got the hard drive from Steve, who had to get it from Tony, as you map out where you think the other Hydra bases are over the next day. You feel guilty that Clint won't be coming with you on this trip, so you decide to talk to Clint the night before you leave.

You go downstairs to find Clint in his room working on something. You knock on the door frame to get his attention, "Hey."

Clint looks up to see you standing in the doorway and stands up from where he was sitting, "Hey, how are you doing?"

You shrug your shoulders as you look down at your feet for a moment and back at Clint, "Honestly?"

Clint nods.

"Honestly, I'm more scared than anything right now. I'm scared that I might find Bucky dead and I'm scared considering my past with Hydra but I have to at least try to look for him, even if I end up staying for a little while. And don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly grateful that Nat, Wanda, Steve, and Sam are going with me but I feel bad that you're not coming with me."

Clint shakes his head, "Don't feel bad, I was actually planning on driving my family back home and spending some time with them since I've been gone for a while but I also understand where you're coming from with wanting to find Bucky and I'm sorry."

You smile sadly, "I forgive you and I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that the other day."

Clint simply smiles as he responds, "It's fine. You had every right to feel that way and I wish that I could have done something more that night to bring Bucky back and I honestly would have done the same thing if something happened to Laura or even the kids."

You nod, "Thank you for always being there for me. I appreciate everything that you have done for me for this past year and I couldn't be more grateful for you and Laura."

Clint pulled you in for a hug and gave you a kiss on your forehead. "You're welcome." He says as he pulls away.

You breathe out an unsteady breath, "Something on your mind?" Clint wonders as he goes back to his project.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about Peter and how I'm going to explain this whole situation to him."

"Laura was telling me that you were worried about telling Peter why you and Bucky have been gone but you also don't want to put Tony in a bad light and vice versa."

"Yeah. I mean it's hard cause I literally see Peter as my younger brother but he also looks up to Tony as a father figure and I hate to say it but I'm kind of glad that Peter was in school when you guys came home and he's been studying for finals over the past few days so he hasn't been here to see me at my worst. I just don't want there to be any preconceived notions about what had happened between Tony and me but I also don't want this to hurt our relationship between Peter and me over what I did to Tony."

"So what do you want to do?" Clint asks

"I don't know. I think I might talk to Tony here in a little bit, just to clear the air between us and if Peter comes by the Compound before we come home to not explain everything to him."

"You want Tony to lie to Peter?"

You shook your head, "No, it's not that I want him to lie to Peter. I'm just not ready to tell him what exactly happened with Bucky and I'm worried that if I do tell him right now it will hurt either my relationship with him or his relationship with Tony."

Clint looks at you, "Right. I understand where you're coming from with this but I don't want you to go far in having Tony hiding what's really going on go where it actually damages your relationship with him."

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