Chapter 56- Happy New Years

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It was New Year's Eve and you spend most of the day with your family and friends prepping for the New Year's Eve Party that Tony is throwing by helping Tony set up decorations and doing anything else to help Tony set up for the party.

Before the party starts you decide to go up to your room to get ready for the party write in your journal to reflect on the past year. You do your hair and makeup after you're done you notice the time on your phone, 6:35 PM, you decide to change later as you grab your journal from your nightstand and think about what you are going to write.

Dear Diary,

This year has been wonderful  but not only that, a lot of unexpected things had happened this year as well, but it has also been a hard year, in of itself. I got rescued by my Uncle Clint, who is actually an Avenger, course I didn't know I had any other family besides who I've known in HYDRA, course they weren't really family, they were just people that had overseen my missions and torture sessions. Honestly I'm grateful that my Uncle Clint had saved me from that hell, however when I got onto the Quinjet, there was a familiar face, course I couldn't quite place who it was until he finally told me, Bucky. Bucky Barnes. The love of my life. He told me that he was the Winter Soldier. It didn't necessarily scare me that he told me that but it scared me to think that he has gone through so much, if not more than what I've gone through for the past 12 years course, he has gone through a lot over the past 70 years, since that moment that he fell off the train. But I honestly don't know how I would be able to go through life without Bucky, or anyone for that matter.

However the scariest moment of my life was when Rumlow somehow found me after months of me being gone from HYDRA's control and another HYDRA agent wanted to strangle me to death but Bucky and Clint had saved me before it was too late but I fell into a coma for a couple weeks but knowing that Bucky was by my side the whole time while I was in my coma had made me realize that I love Bucky so much and that I couldn't imagine a better man to love. Not long after I had woken up from the coma and had left the hospital, I stayed with my Uncle Clint and my Aunt Laura. They have three wonderful young kids named, Cooper, Lila, and Nate. I've become extremely close with Lila, she and I are more like sisters than cousins. Laura and Clint had let Bucky stay to take care of me, which I was incredibly grateful for.

The best part of this year I would have to say is getting engaged to Bucky. He had the team help him propose to me, which I thought was so sweet. I couldn't be more grateful to have Bucky in my life. We celebrated the holidays with the team, which was a lot of fun, I finally felt like I had found my second family. I am incredibly grateful for the team that have included me like their family. I am also grateful for my family for taking care of me over the past several months that I've been recovering and healing and learning more about myself. Just reflecting back on this year has really put into perspective for me to not only not take everything for granted but that I'm incredibly grateful for my friends and family and everything that they've done for me.

As you finish writing, Bucky walks in and leans against the doorframe.

"Hey, what are you working on?" Bucky asks as he makes his way over to you as you still sit in the bed finishing up your last thoughts in your journal.

You look up and watch him make his way over to you and sits on the edge of your side of the bed, "Oh! Hey Buck, I'm just writing in my journal, what's up?" You ask as you put down your journal.

"Nothing much, Tony wanted me to let you know that we've got the party in less than 10 minutes." Bucky adds as he gets up to change into his tux, that he got for the New Years Eve Party.

You look down at the time on your phone and realize that you've lost track of time, "Shoot! I must have lost track of time. I'll be down in a minute."

Bucky comes out of the closet, dressed in his tux, in which you blush as he adjusts his bow tie and adjusts his cuffs on his tux. He comes over to place a gentle kiss on your forehead, "Okay, I'll see you down there."

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