Chapter 11 - Movie night

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Everyone agrees to watch a movie, it would be nice to finally watch something after years of torture and get your mind off things.

"I have to go back to Asgard, but it was nice meeting you, Lady Y/N." Thor responds once everyone agrees to the movie

"Nice meeting you too." You reply

"Okay, sounds good." Tony replies.

Everyone gets up to the living room area, where there is a giant flat-screen TV sitting on the entertainment center. You find a seat next to Bucky again.

"What do you guys want to watch?" Tony asks

You all discuss movies, a lot you have never heard of you, but you all agree on one.

"So Rocky it is?" Tony asks once everyone came to a conclusion.

Tony turns the movie on and sits down next to Bruce.

An hour into the movie, you feel your eyes get heavy and you start to slowly fall asleep and you rest your head on Bucky's shoulder, finally the tiredness overcomes you and you fall asleep on his shoulder.

Bucky notices that you fell asleep on his shoulder, and he can't help but smile.

By the time the movie was over, everyone had gone to bed except you, Bucky and Clint.

"Do you want me to take her to bed?" Bucky asks Clint, as Clint gets up.

"I should be okay, but if I need help, I'll let you know." Clint replies.

"Okay." Bucky responds

Clint picks you up bridal style and takes you upstairs to your room, you slowly wake up as he takes you upstairs, "Clint?" You ask tiredly.

"Hey, I'm taking you to bed."


He takes you to your room, "Hey, do you want to change?" He asks as he sets you down on your bed.

"Sure." You reply tiredly

He picks out a pair of pajamas for you to wear for the night.

 He helps you into your pajamas and puts you in the bed, under the covers. As soon as Clint puts you in your bed, you immediately fall asleep.

"Goodnight." Clint whispers as he kisses you on the forehead

Clint goes downstairs to find Bucky still sitting on the couch.

"Something on your mind, Bucky?" Clint asks as he sits down next to Bucky on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about that day that Pierce had brought her in before he had my mind wiped." Bucky sighs.

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