Chapter 27 - Broken Hearted 💔

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Bucky starts pacing outside. He wanted to yell and scream but he knew that it wouldn't have been appropriate with everyone walking around him, so he decided to go on a walk. He walked around the block, clearing his head about the events that had happened earlier that day and the anger that he was feeling towards Hydra. When he gets back to the hospital he sees Tony and Peter walk up to the front of the hospital.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Mr. Barnes, how are you doing?" Peter asks as he approaches Bucky.

"I'm okay, how are you guys?" Bucky replies somberly

"I'm okay as well." Peter says

"I'm okay. What are you doing out here Barnes?" Tony answers

"I just needed to take a walk to clear my head."

"Is everything alright?" Peter asks quietly

"Yeah, everything is fine. Like I said, I needed to clear my head." Bucky says shrugging everything off and not wanting to tell Tony and Peter how he was really feeling.

"Is Barton with Y/N?"

"Yeah, you just fill out a visitor's badge and tell them you are visiting Y/N, will you let Clint know that I'll be there in a few minutes?"

"Okay." Tony says.

Bucky watches Tony and Peter walk into the hospital. Bucky sits down on a bench outside the hospital and buries his head into his hands and runs his fingers through his hair out of frustration.

When Tony and Peter walk up to your room, Tony softly knocks on the door. Clint says, "come in." They walk in and they see you unconscious and intubated. Clint looked up from where he was sitting and got up to greet Tony and Peter.

"Hi Mr. Barton, how are you?" Peter asks

"I'm doing okay, how are you?" Clint responds

"I'm okay." Peter says

"How is she?" Tony asks

"She's okay as far as we know. The doctor did tell us that she'll be in the sling for the next 4-5 months and she'll be doing intense physical therapy for it." Clint sighs and turns to you. They talk for a few minutes more about your condition. 

Bucky pulls out his phone to look at the pictures and videos of you and Bucky together. There was an overwhelming feeling of sadness and fear. The feeling became overwhelming to the point where the tears started forming in his eyes. He set his phone down and tried to suppress the tears that were coming. He sat leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees and just let the tears flow.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to protect you. And I've loved you since the first moment we met officially as myself, as Bucky Barnes. From now on I will do everything I can to protect you. Please come back to me." He says to himself as he starts to get choked up. 

"Hey. Is this spot taken?" Asked a man with a familiar voice. Bucky looked up through his tear-brimmed eyes and saw that it was Sam and Steve, he smiled softly, wiping the tears from his eyes, and scooted over to let Steve and Sam next to him.

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