Chapter 36- Better in time

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Over the next few days, you spend with Bucky regaining your strength by walking as much as you can without losing your energy. You eventually get to the point where you're walking without Bucky's assistance, soon you are walking around the hospital floor. Dr. Reid comes in daily to check your progress to see how well you are walking. Dr. Reid tells you that you are ready to go back home.

You get excited about finally being able to leave the hospital and stay with your uncle and his family as well as Bucky.  Dr. Hawkins goes over your discharge planning and the medications you will take over the next few months while recovering from your injuries. Saying that you'll be able to leave first thing in the morning.

The team comes in to visit you later that night. You spend the night with the team just enjoying everyone's company. Soon, they all have to leave for the Compound.

"We've got your bags packed," Nat says as she stands up to hug you.

"Okay! Perfect! Thank you, guys!" You say as you hug her.

You say your goodbyes for the night. Soon it just leaves you, and Bucky in the room.

"You ready to finally leave?" Bucky asks quietly as he has your hand interlocked with his.

You sigh, "Yeah, I'm definitely ready to leave but--"

"But, what?" Bucky coaxed

"I guess I'm just nervous about meeting Clint's family and after this whole incident with HYDRA, it makes me wonder why everything is happening all at once." You wonder as you lay your head on his chest, listening to his slow heartbeat.

Bucky hums in response, "Well, I know for one thing I know that Laura will love you, just like I love you." Bucky reassures you. He places a soft, warm and breathless kiss on your lips. He pulls away and gently caresses your cheeks. He looks at you with his calming yet compelling blue eyes.

"I love you." Bucky says as he continues to caress your cheeks.

"I love you too." You reply as you lean into his soft touch.

You close your eyes as you readjust yourself to be closer to Bucky's comforting hold that he has on you. You easily fall asleep as you listen to his heart beat.

You wake up to find Bucky awake and Clint in your room.

"Morning." Clint greets you as he smiles

"Morning." You return the smile.

"You ready to finally leave the hospital?" Clint asks

You nod, "Mmhm."

"Alright, so the plan is we'll drive back to the Compound and grab our stuff and we'll take the Quinjet out to my house." Clint says as he stands up.

"Okay." You nod

"I'm going to let the nurses know that you're ready to leave." Clint adds


Clint leaves your room to let the nurses know that you're ready to leave.

"How are you feeling?" Bucky asks softly as his hand touches yours and give a light comforting squeeze.

You smile, "I'm alright, I'm definitely ready to leave the hospital."

"Yeah I bet." Bucky smiles and nods.

Bucky looks down at his phone and notices that he receives a text from Wand, "Well, Wanda just texted me and said that her and Nat packed some special outfits that you can wear for when you meet your family, if you want to."

"Alright." You smile.

You notice a bag at the end of your bed, "Buck, what's in the bag?" You ask

Bucky walks over to the end of the bed and pulls out a change of clothes, "Nat or Wanda must have packed it and had Clint bring it so you could change out of your hospital gown. Do you want me to help you change?" Bucky asks as he pulls the clothes out.

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