Chapter 68 - Madripoor pt. 2

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As the two Hydra agents held back Bucky's arms, there was a third agent who came and punched him in the face. The pain of the punch stung Bucky's face but it didn't hurt all that much, "What are you doing?" he asked through a strained voice. The two Hydra agents that held onto Bucky's arms forced him onto his knees. 

Allison bent down to his eye level, "Well, it's like my grandfather says, "We need more order than chaos" and we need a way to get to your little friend, who is she? I heard that she's your fiancé?" 

"Don't you fucking dare go near her!" Bucky growled through clenched teeth.

She gripped his chin as she was still bent down to his eye level, "It won't be me that will go after her, it'll be you."

She turns to the Hydra agent that punched him in the face, "Do it."

Before Bucky is able to do anything that same Hydra agents comes and injects something in his right arm and in seconds his body becomes limp, in which they drag his limp body away. That same Hydra agent pulls out Bucky's earpiece and proceeds to throw it on the ground and smash it with his foot.

His line went static, "Buck? What's going on?" Steve asks

He presses onto his earpiece to notify the other guys about Bucky, "Guys, Bucky's com lines went down."

"Where did he go?" Sam mutters under his breath as he looks around the club to see if he can find Bucky somewhere in the club.

"Shit, Y/N was right." Tony says under his breath, "Guys, we've got a problem." He addresses the other guys.

"Stark, what is it?" Steve asks, knowing this can't be good news. 

Tony watches as one of the genetically enhanced super soldier raises his cup to him while making direct eye contact with Tony. Tony watches as his body heats up and his eyes turn to a fire red, "We've got Hydra agents here."

"What the hell?" Sam asks as he looks around and notices more genetically enhanced super soldiers. 

As Clint was shooting his arrows at other Hydra agents who approached them, "We've got several out here as well." 

Steve threw his shield at some of the suspecting Hydra agents hiding in the trees.

Tony stepped into his suit and immediately started blasting at the Hydra agents in the club as the other clubgoers were running and screaming out of the club. Sam grabbed his backpack that was sitting in a secret compartment hiding under the chairs which automatically put his suit on which houses his wings when he put it on he went to punch an approaching Hydra agent. 

"We must go!" Thor yells as he's also fighting against Hydra agents, but realizing there are times to leave when the time calls for it and this moment was one of those moments. 

"What about Bucky?" Steve asks as he continues throwing his shield at more Hydra agents. 

"Thor's right! This mission has already gone south, we'll figure out what happened to Barnes but we've got to go!" Clint says as he continues shooting his arrows. 

Tony, Sam, Thor, and Bruce get into the Quinjet first and fly over to Steve and Clint. As they flew down to hover over Steve and Clint. Sam opened the door of the Quinjet to have the both of them get in.  Steve and Clint managed to jump into the Quinjet. They sat in their respective spots on the Quinjet and sat in silence all the way back to the safe house. 

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