Chapter 15- Relationships and realizations

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The two of you walk outside and take a walk around the lake that sits right outside the compound. 

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" You ask as you both are walking along the lake's shore.

What you didn't know was that Bucky had also developed feelings for you, you felt as though Bucky had feelings for you but you were too scared to ask, thinking that he may say, "no."

"Well there are a couple of things that I wanted to talk to you about." Bucky says as he walks beside you.

You chuckle, "Okay?"

You both sit down on the ground and it takes a minute for Bucky to collect his thoughts to finally admit to you that he likes you a lot.

"Well first, I wanted to tell you that I like a lot ad I was hoping that you would be my girlfriend." Bucky says 

When Bucky had said the word "girlfriend" it brought butterflies to your stomach, knowing that Bucky has developed feelings for you was probably one of the exciting things of your day today. "Of course Buck! I've had feelings for you, too! I would love to be your girlfriend!" You exclaim excitingly 

Bucky pulls you in for a kiss. His kiss was passionate and longing. You both were happy. Happy that you were finally in a good place in your life. Happy that you were finally in a relationship with a man who understood you and who has helped you in more ways than you can imagine. 

"So what was the second thing you wanted to talk to me about?" You ask

"Do you remember much the day you captured?" Bucky asks quietly

"I don't remember the moments before it happened  but I do remember the moment when I was brought in by Hydra and every mission that Hydra had sent me on, among other things, why do you ask?"

"No reason, but do you remember anything specific about that day that Hydra took you?" 

"Yeah... I remember a man, who looked like you, sitting in a chair with pain and fear in his eyes before his mind got wiped..." You look up at him and made the realization as to why Bucky bringing up Hydra, "Buck, was that you?" You ask in barely a whisper.

Bucky nodded his head sadly and said, "Yeah that was me, I was the Winter Soldier."

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