Chapter 55- Plan for Control

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Alexander Pierce, the head of HYDRA, or what remains of it was sitting behind his desk sitting across from a man in a thick fur-lined coat.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Zemo?" Pierce asks the man sitting across from him.

"Zemo is fine, sir. But I understand that you have a problem on your hand with a girl" The other man answers in a thick Sokovian accent.

"Yes, how did you know?" Pierce adds as he narrows his eyes, wondering how he got this information.

Zemo shrugs, "I have my resources and I want the Avengers to pay for what happened to my country of Sokovia and I know that the Winter Soldier is with them now."

"What did you have in mind?" Pierce asks

"I was thinking that we could lure them in a trap cause I already know the Winter Soldier's trigger words." Zemo comments.

"What kind of trap were you thinking?" Pierce asks as he pours himself and Zemo a couple glasses of whiskey, he hands a glass to Zemo as he sits back down.

The both of them were brainstorming ideas on how to capture Bucky, or The Winter Soldier, for that matter. Some of their ideas seemed to impractical or it would have been too easy for The Winter Soldier to get out of the trap.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, I have a granddaughter who has caught onto the ideology of HYDRA." Pierce states as he sits back in his chair, contemplating in thought.

"How?" Zemo asks as he takes a sip of the alcoholic beverage that he was holding onto.

"I was talking with her and may have let it slip that I'm head of an organization that wants control over the world, and she was fascinated by the idea that she could one day take over the organization." Pierce informed Zemo

"Would it be possible to use her as bait for the Avengers? Cause knowing them, their weakness is helping those who are in danger." Zemo wondered.

"She's here right now, so let's ask her." Pierce adds as he pulls out his phone.

Pierce dials his granddaughter's phone number, "Hey, do you mind coming to see me right now?"

The girl on the other end answers, "Yeah, I'll be down in a minute."

"Okay, sounds good, see you in a minute." Pierce replied before ending the call with his granddaughter.

Pierce and Zemo make some small talk while they wait for Pierce's granddaughter to come down. A few minutes later they hear a knock on the door, "Come in," Pierce answers as a young 16 blond hair, blue-eyed girl walks in, "Hi grandpa." She smiles as she walks in.

"Hi Allison, say "Hello" to Helmut Zemo, you can call him Zemo." Pierce greets Allison.

"Hello." Allison greets the other man in the room.

"Hello, I hear you've caught on to your grandfather's ideology about HYDRA." Zemo states

Allison nods, "Yeah, it's like my grandfather says, "We need more control in the world" and I couldn't agree more."

"Perfect, we were hoping to use you as bait to capture the Winter Soldier again." Zemo responds as he takes another sip of his whiskey.

"What did you have in mind?" Allison wonders

"We were hoping to send a video of you "captured" and it could be a cryptic video and they'll be forced to come rescue you and by the time that they come, we'll have the Winter Soldier in our hands, course we'll work the details of his capture later." Zemo articulated as he discusses his and Pierce's idea of how to capture the Winter Soldier.

Allison contemplates it for a moment and agrees, "That sounds perfect."

"Perfect." Zemo grins

They use the rest of the afternoon to discuss the details of Bucky's capture.

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