Chapter 52- Birthdays and bouts

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Over the next few weeks, you and Bucky are spending the time together just trying to figure out what to get for each other for Christmas, as well as you are trying to figure out what to get your family as well as Peter. You also spend a lot of time with the team, doing the Christmas activities that you have all planned together. You didn't spend much time outside of the Compound during this holiday season, cause you were still worried about what would happen outside of the Compound, but you loved the feeling that this holiday season was bringing. You loved that you were getting to spend a lot of time with the team and you were incredibly grateful that the team had become like your second family, especially during this Christmas season.

During the past few weeks, you also have doctor appointment's with Dr. Reid. Where she wants to see how your healing is going with your shoulder and Bucky would come along with you, in order to make sure you were okay and feeling okay. As the weather had gotten worse, and the dark clouds that came in, felt like there was a dark cloud looming over your head. You noticed that you weren't really yourself, you didn't have a lot of motivation to do much, you felt sad most days and you lost your interest in a lot of things, that you wish that you had but you just, didn't. It felt like your anxiety had gotten ten times worse. You felt as though you weren't enough for Bucky or even for the team or even your family for that matter. You knew that you loved everyone on the team and that they loved you just as much but some days you didn't feel enough of yourself and for Bucky, especially, but you didn't want to tell Bucky, so as not to worry him or feel like a burden to Bucky or the team. Some nights you would be up all night crying, because you didn't feel enough for Bucky or just a lot of guilt for no reason. There were days where you felt as though you had no appetite due to everything that was going on. You would bring it up with Dr. Reid but you would leave out the part where you felt inadequate of yourself as well as Bucky and the team, and she told you although she wasn't a psychiatrist, you had symptoms of depression and anxiety. She recommended you going see a therapist for your depression and anxiety, which she handed you a card, you decided to hold onto the card for future reference, in case you needed it but you felt you could manage it yourself.

The time finally came to where your family makes it to the Compound to stay for the holidays. You were in a group chat with Laura and Clint and they would notify you a lot of what was going on and they told you that they were finally on the road to the Compound. You were excited to finally see your family again and spend time with them. By the time they get to the Compound, you hug your family as they come into the Compound.

"We've missed you." Clint says as he hugs you.

"Me too." You say as you pull away from the hug, you hug Laura and then you hug your cousins.

"How have you been?" Clint asks

You just smile and say, "I'm good."

You walk with Clint and his family to Clint's room, where he will usually stay if he has a mission. You explain a lot of what's been happening over the past few weeks, as well as your appointments that you've had with Dr. Reid, although you avoided the topic of your depression and anxiety, as you walk with them.

"So do you have anything special planned for your birthday?" Laura asks.

You shrug, "Tony said that he wanted to do a congratulatory engagement party for Bucky and I as well as a birthday party in one day but nothing really."

"Well, if you want to do anything special for your birthday, let us know and we can arrange something for you." Laura smiles

You nod, "Okay, sounds good."

The Day of your birthday

The morning of your birthday, you wake up with Bucky already awake with him bringing breakfast for you.

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