Chapter 69 - Dread

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The guys make it back to the safehouse and Steve couldn't help but get angry with Tony, "Tony? What the hell? You let my best friend go in there alone and now we don't know what happened to him!"

"What do you want me to do? How was I supposed to know they would take Barnes?" Tony asked defensively.

"Y/N and Bucky kept telling you it was a trap but you refused to listen!" Steve says with anger laced in his voice. 

"It wasn't my fault that Barnes got captured!" Tony couldn't help but also get angry and defensive by the minute.

"Then what is? Cause you refused to listen and let go of your pride to even listen to them and you're refusing to take responsibility for the situation. We lost my best friend and Y/N's fiance, who by the way, made him happier than I've seen him in years and he's gone because of you! You couldn't stand to see my best friend happy and you knew what was going to happen, which is why you had him go alone. You better hope and pray that Y/N doesn't kill you when we get back home." Steve responds angrily and walks away before Tony can get a word in. Steve walks back to his room and slams his door.

There is a few moments of silence before Tony speaks to the rest of the team. "We're going to leave tonight and get back to the Compound early tomorrow morning."

Clint goes to his room and calls Laura to tell her all of the events that have happened and that they'll be home the next day. He presses her contact name and brings his phone up to his ear and waits for Laura to answer, "Hey." He says once she does pick up her line. 

"Hey!" Laura greets Clint on the other end.

"Are you near Y/N?" Clint asks, worried that you may overhear the conversation. 

Laura glances around to make sure you aren't around as she sits down, "No, why? What happened?"

Clint sighs and takes a moment before replying, "We lost Bucky."

"Did he?" She asked, assuming that he had died.

"No, we don't think so... at least we don't what's happened... we hope not," Clint replies with worry in his voice.

"What happened?" Laura wonders

"Sam, Tony, Bruce, and Thor were distractions in the club while Steve and I were posted outback while Bucky had searched for the girl and Bucky's com lines went down and we didn't realize it was a trap until it was too late, now we're back at the safe house and Steve is pissed with Tony because Tony wouldn't listen to Bucky or Y/N," Clint adds as he paces around his room.

"Oh, she's going to be devastated. Have you told her yet?" Laura asks

"No, we're leaving tonight and we'll be back tomorrow morning. We'll tell her when we get back but will you tell her that we'll be home tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I can do that."

"How are the kids?"

"They're good. They miss you."

"I miss them, too. How are you doing?"

"I'm good, just patiently waiting for you to come home." 

"Yeah, I'm ready to come home but also sad that Bucky won't be coming home with us and I can only imagine Y/N's reaction to the news."

"How do you think she'll react?"

"I know for sure she'll be angry at Tony but I don't know how she'll react towards me because I promised her that I would protect Bucky, no matter the cost."

"Well, let's hope she isn't too angry with you."

"Yeah... I should probably go and pack before we leave tonight. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay. Have a safe flight. I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight."


Laura goes to find you in the kitchen, making a snack for yourself and your cousins, "Hey Y/N."

You look up to see Laura walking in the kitchen, "Hey! What's up?"

"So Clint called me and told me that they're coming home tomorrow."


Laura nods, knowing the devastating news that will come tomorrow but she promised Clint that she wasn't going to tell you, "Yeah, they'll be here early tomorrow morning." 

You nod, wondering why Bucky hasn't called you to let you know but you think that Bucky might just be exhausted from the mission, so he's probably resting right now. 

"Thanks for letting me know," You smile.

You spend the rest of the day, getting ready for when Bucky and the guys get home tomorrow. 

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