Chapter 51- May 28th

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You wake up the next morning as you continue laying with Bucky before starting your day with the team and as you lay with Bucky, you notice your engagement ring on your finger and realize that you still don't have a date or a place set for the wedding.

"Buck?" You ask quietly

"Yeah?" He answers as he continues to draw circles on your arm.

"We should probably set a date and a place for the wedding." You add as you place your left hand on his chest and continue to look at the beautiful engagement ring that Bucky had picked out with the help of your friends. You lean closer to his lips as he places a kiss on your forehead.

"We probably should." He replies as he places a warm and soft kiss on your lips.

You both discuss on marrying between six months to a year but ultimately decide that you both don't want to wait long in marrying each other, so you've decided that 6 months from today (November 28th) is the perfect day for your wedding.

"Perfect, now that we have a date set. Now we need to figure out a place for the wedding." You add as you smile.

"Did you have a place in mind?" Bucky wonders.

"I mean it's like we talked about before I haven't really been outside of a lot places where I was a HYDRA agent and the one place that I can think of where we can hold the ceremony is at my uncle and aunt's house and besides it's only really going to be the team there for the wedding anyways, unless you have any other ideas." You state as you look up at Bucky.

"No, I think holding it at Clint and Laura's will be perfect." Bucky agrees as he smiles down at you.

"Are we ready to tell the team?" Bucky asks

"Well, I wanted to call Laura real quick and make sure that she's okay with holding it at her house." You say as you pick up your phone and unlock it to your contacts and go to Laura's contact information.

"Okay, while you call her, I'm going to jump in the shower." Bucky adds as he kisses you.

"Alright." You smile as you watch him get up from the bed to grab a change of clothes from the closet and goes to the bathroom to shower. You dial Laura's phone number, you put your phone up to your ear and after a few rings, Laura picks up on the other end of the line.

"Hello?" Laura's voice is cheery on the other end of the line.

"Hi Laura!" You answer.

"Hey Y/N! How are you feeling?" Laura asks

"I'm good! So I wanted to ask you something." You began as you look down at your engagement ring.

"Yeah! What's up?"

"So we have a date set for the wedding, 6 months from today, so it'll be May 28th, and we were wondering if we could hold the wedding at your house?" You wonder

"Of course! I would love to hold the wedding at our house!" Laura smiles on the other end of the line, even though you couldn't see her smile, you could tell that she was, "How are you actually feeling right now? And how was the flight back to the Compound?" She asks

You sigh, as you think about the last 24 hours, "I'm actually feeling pretty good, I'm finally excited that we have a date set for the wedding but the flight was good, I spent most of the time just resting with Bucky, but otherwise it was fine, how are the kids? How's Lila?"

Laura nods as she looks over at Lila playing with her dolls, "That's good. Lila's good, she misses you."

You smile, "I miss her too, but only a few more weeks."

"Hi Y/N!" You hear on the other end of the line and notice it was all three kids including Clint, you couldn't help but smile, knowing that you have a great family and some of the cutest cousins.

"How's Bucky?" Laura asks

You look up and notice Bucky had come out of the bathroom and smile, "He's good, like I said, we're excited to finally have a date set for the wedding but I've got to go, tell Clint and the kids that I said "Hi" as well."

"Okay, have a good day, talk to you later." Laura replies

"You too, I'll talk to you later." You add as Bucky comes closer to place a kiss on your cheek.

"Bye, I love you."

"Bye, I love you too."

Bucky sits on your side of the bed on the edge and asks, "What did Laura say?"

"She said that she would love to hold it at their house." You smile

"Perfect. I already told F.R.I.D.A.Y. that we need everyone in the kitchen for our special announcement." Bucky expresses as he looks at you with his dreamy blue eyes.

You nod, "Okay, well I'm going to jump in the shower as well before we go down."

"Alright." Bucky smiles as he watches you do the same, grab your clothes and go into the bathroom. You smile at Bucky before closing the door.

You strip your clothes real fast and decide not to wash your hair today and that Bucky is anxious about telling the team about your announcement. You quickly wash your body and turn off the shower. As you step out of the shower, the chill of the room, hit your bare skin as you shiver and grab the towel off the hook. You change into a sweater and a pair of black leggings and you walk out of the bathroom to find Bucky reading a book.

"Ready?" Bucky asks as he sits up and takes your hand into his.

You nod as you put your hand into his and you both take the elevator down to the first floor, you see the whole team in the kitchen, you smile as you approach the team.

"So, what's this announcement you've got for us?" Sam wonders as the both of you approach the kitchen, hand-in-hand.

You look at Bucky and back at the team though you couldn't wipe the smile off your face, even if you tried, "Well, we've finally set a date and place for the wedding."

"That's exciting! When and where?" Wanda smiles as she asks.

"We've got the date set for 6 months from today and we're holding it at Clint and Laura's house." Bucky answers as he places his hand on your waist and pulls you in and kisses you on the cheek.

"So May 28th?" Peter asks as he looks up.

You turn to Peter and nod, "Yeah."

"Yay! That's so exciting! Do you have anything else set for the wedding?" Nat wonders

You shake your head, "No, we figured we would make more of the plans closer to the date."

"That makes sense, are you guys excited?" Steve asks

You smile and nod eagerly, you look up at Bucky who is smiling and looking at you, "Yeah, we are."

"Well, congrats guys!" Tony exclaims

"Thanks guys, we're definitely excited." You add as you continue to look up at Bucky and back at the team.

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