Chapter 29 - By your side

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"Hey, guys," Clint says as Steve, Sam, and Bucky walk in. Tony and Peter turn to see Bucky, Steve, and Sam walk in. Steve was the last of the three to walk in, so he closes the door behind him.

"Hey Clint." Sam and Steve say together

"Hey Clint, how is she?" Bucky asks softly

"She's good, as far as we know, nothing alarming happened when you left."

"Okay, did the doctor say anything when I left?"

"She explained more about her injuries and they'll monitor her every day until she wakes up and they'll discuss the plan with us as far as what we'll do in terms of her recovery once she does wake up."


They sat around and talked about the plan for when you woke up, "I was talking with Laura and we thought that it would be best for her to stay with me when she wakes up." Clint mentions as he sits back in his chair. 

They all agree and Tony speaks up, "That's probably for the best since your place is a safehouse." 

"I told Laura that I'll be going back next week, so Bucky will stay with her while I'm gone and we'll both stay with her until I leave next week." Clint adds.

"Alright, and we'll do our best to stop by every day to help out with anything you guys need and visit with you guys." Steve chimed in.

"Alright. Thanks guys." Clint thanks 

They talk for a while longer until they leave your room to go back to the Compound. Leaving Bucky and Clint in your room again. Clint and Bucky sit in comfortable silence before Clint asks something of Bucky that he has thought about since he's talked with Laura earlier this morning. 

"How would you feel about staying at my house after she wakes up?" Clint wondered as he posed the question to Bucky, hoping he would say "Yes."

Bucky hesitates, "You want me to stay at your house? I don't want to impose." 

"Barnes, you're not going to impose. Besides, I invited you and Laura already knows that the both of you are already in a relationship. Plus, I told her that you have helped her since she's been rescued from HYDRA. We both appreciate how much you've helped her, especially me." Clint states as he looks over at you and just smiles and looks back at Bucky, who made a realization that he's actually appreciated for helping someone, someone he loves. He never was really appreciated for a lot that he's done in the past so hearing that Clint appreciates his help, made him feel good. 

"Thanks. Yeah, I would love to stay with you guys." Bucky acknowledges as he glances over at you and smiles.

"Awesome. I'll let Laura know when I call her tomorrow." Clint responds.

The night was rough for both Bucky and Clint. The both of them wanting to sleep but also worried about you, course it didn't help that the nurses had to come in every couple hours to check up on you. Bucky knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep much while you're unconscious cause you were the only person on this whole planet that would help him with his nightmares and he was the person that helped you with your nightmares as well. You guys just understood each other and were connected, not only through your past with HYDRA but emotionally. When he found out that you were in this coma-like state, he felt like he lost his lifeline of everything that you stood for, once you had been released from HYDRA, you had a light about you that he noticed that HYDRA had taken away from you. He loved that about you. He knew that the next little while will be hell for him but it'll be all worth it for you to be awake and him finally telling you that "I love you" and maybe finally having that life he's finally dreamed of. To hopefully settle down with a girl that he loves and possibly have a family, although the idea of kids scares him, especially considering his past with HYDRA, but it's something that he's always wanted. He notices the time, "5:45 AM" before he finally is able to fall asleep in the chair that he's sitting on, next to you, holding your hand. 

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