Chapter 19 - Morning before the storm

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Over the next couple of weeks, as you wait for the rest of the team to get home, you still spend every day with Peter, Bucky, and Wanda.

The night that the team was coming back, you and Bucky were watching a movie and the both of you fell asleep on your bed.

It was late when the team finally make it back to the Compound. Clint goes up to your room to check on you and finds you and Bucky asleep. He goes to bed, knowing that he'll talk to you in the morning.

The next morning you and Bucky get ready for the day together. The both of you find the team having breakfast together.

"Hey guys! How was the mission?" You ask as you approach the dining table where everyone is sitting and sit down with Bucky.

"It was alright until Birdman over here messed up." Tony grumbles as he stretches his head in the direction of Sam.

"What happened?" You wonder as you plate your breakfast.

"Well, my wings malfunctioned and we opened a truck thinking it was a truck holding weapons but it turned out to be a massive strange looking dump truck." Sam explains

"See? This is why I don't trust Redwing." Bucky huffs as he rolls his eyes

Sam rolls his eyes as well, "It wasn't Redwing, it was my actual wings."

"Whatever." Bucky grumbles

You and Wanda start laughing.

"How was your last couple weeks?" Clint asks

"It was good, nothing too exciting happened." You added

You spend the rest of the morning with Clint talking about how the mission went and about how your last couple weeks went, not mentioning that you and Bucky are officially a couple. You wanted to let Bucky tell the guys about your relationship and not break his promise. 

"Hey Y/N! You ready to go?" Wanda asks as she walks into the living room.

You turn to Wanda and nod, you look back at Clint.

"Where are you guys going?" Clint asks

"Out with Nat and Wanda, we're having a girls day today."

"Alright have fun!" Clint says as he hugs you

"Okay! I love you!" You reply

You grab your bag and get into the car, you pull out your phone to text Bucky. 


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