Chapter 5- Trust and Secrets

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It doesn't take long to get back to the Compound. There was small talk between the other team members but you sat with Bucky and Clint in silence. There was something comfortable about Bucky and Clint's presence. You don't know what it was but you feel more comfortable than you have felt in a long time.

Back at the compound, the other Avengers who weren't on the mission notice you as you are taken back to the clinic to get you examined and make sure everything is alright, especially after years of torture that you had endured while with Hydra. Everyone follows Clint into the clinic room, you start to panic as you're walking down with Clint. You notice a guy not much older than 15, follow Clint enthusiastically but you don't pay much attention as you try to figure out what's going on.

Clint sets you on the bed in the health room and directs everyone out of the room and says, "I'll answer everyone's questions once I'm done here."

Clint turns to Bruce and asks, "Will you run some tests on her, just to make sure everything is alright with her?"

"Yeah of course, what do you want me to do?"

"Everything. I basically want to make sure that she is okay and get an age blood test as well."

"Okay, I'm going to put her to sleep to do the testing, if that's okay."

Clint turns to you, "Is that okay?"

You nod your head, "Yeah, can you stay with me until I wake up?"

Clint nods his head, "Yeah, of course."

You lay down on the upholstered bed as Bruce puts a mask over your face. In just a few moments your eyes were heavy as you quickly fell asleep.

"Who is she?" Peter asks

"She's my niece." Clint responds

"We didn't know you had a niece." Wanda says 

"Yeah, the only person that knew was Nat." Clint answers

"What happened to her all this time, Barton?" Thor asks

"I already told the other guys but she was captured by Hydra when she was 13 and it took 12 years to find her."

"Why did we not know about her before?" Wanda asks

"You know that it took a long time for Tony to trust Bucky and I didn't know how he would have reacted knowing that I had a family member who was an agent for Hydra."

"That makes sense. Will she be living with us for a while?" Wanda asks

"That's the plan, if it's okay with Tony." Clint responds by looking over at Tony.

"Perfectly fine with me, we've got that spare bedroom by Barnes' and your bedroom."

"Great, thanks Stark."

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