Chapter 46- Proposal Part 2

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You walk over to where Bucky is, he holds onto your hand. You start to get butterflies as Bucky starts speaking.
"Y/N, since the first moment we officially met, I knew you would be the girl that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You're the light in my life and you're the reason that I've started smiling again. You have become my best friend and there is no one else that I would rather spend the rest of my life with. So will you do me the honors of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
"Yes! Thousand times yes!" You squealed with delight, he put the ring on your left ring finger, kisses you, he picks you up, and spins you around as he hugs you.
As he sets you down, everyone comes out congratulating you and Bucky.
"Congrats Y/N and Bucky!" Everyone says as they come out.
"Thanks, guys!" You say excitedly as you turn around and see everyone come out, including Thor.
"Thor came?" You ask Bucky.
He nods, "Yeah, we wanted everyone to come and celebrate with us."
You smile and ask Bucky as everyone is coming towards you, "Did you plan this whole thing by yourself?"
Bucky shrugs and tilts his head towards Wanda, Nat, Steve, and Sam, "I had some help from Wanda, Nat, Steve, and Sam."
"So that day that you left, you didn't actually have that meeting with Tony?"
"No, the three of us met up with Nat and Wanda and we picked out the ring and we planned all of this."
"Aww Bucky, you are so cute!" You say as you kiss him, and you hug your friends as they come up to you.
"And who else knew about the engagement?" You wonder, as you keep smiling, you couldn't help the smile off your face if you could try. You didn't care if your face was going to hurt by the end of the night.
"Everyone except ----" Bucky says as he nods over to Peter.
"Everyone except me," Peter says as he hugs you, "Congrats!"
"Why?" You ask Bucky, giggling.
"Because he can't be trusted with secrets." Bucky shakes his head as he grins.
"What? I would have kept this secret!" Peter whines, with his mouth gaping.
"Peter, I'd have to agree with Bucky on this one, you did tell me about Tony's secret candy stash that he keeps in the lab." You shrug.
"What? Kid? I told you to keep that secret!" Tony exclaims
"Sorry," Peter says as he shrugs innocently
Laura smiles, "Should we go inside?"

Everyone nods and you all go inside. Bucky has his arm around your waist as the two of walk up to the house and into the living room. Then you are all sitting in the living room. Bucky sits next to you with his arm around you, you lay your head on his shoulder.
"So do you guys have a wedding date picked out?" Peter's Aunt May asks you and Bucky.
"No, we talked about having a wedding set for 6 months to a year but we don't have an official date set." You shake your head but also look up at Bucky.
"Yeah, we just wanted to wait before setting an official date for the wedding but I knew I wanted to propose to Y/N and spend the rest of my life with her," Bucky says as he looks down at you and places a gentle kiss on your lips.
"You guys are so cute," Wanda smiles.

You spend the rest of the night talking about wedding plans and what you and Bucky have talked about. Then Laura asks everyone about sleeping arrangements.

"I have to go back to Asgard, but I'll be back tomorrow to come enjoy the festivities. Congrats again Lady Y/N and Barnes!" Thor declared as he stands up and hugs you.

"Thanks Thor! See you tomorrow!" You laughed as he hugged you and watched him walk out the door. You notice a flash of light as Thor is being lifted up by his hammer. You turn around to pay attention to Laura.

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