Chapter 66- Bucky's birthday

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You're sitting in the kitchen for lunch and going over more wedding plans with Laura.

Wanda walks in, "Hey, what are you doing?"

You look up and sigh, "Going over more wedding plans but it almost feels like it's not going to happen at this point."

"How have you been feeling?" Wanda wonders as she preps lunch for herself.

You sigh, "I'm stressed, I feel like the wedding isn't going to be happening anytime soon and of course I'm worried about Bucky right now, I just haven't slept well because I've been so worried about him."

"Speaking of Bucky, isn't it his birthday soon?" Wanda responds.

You groan, "Shoot, I've been so worried and stressed about everything. that I almost forgot that it's his birthday. And I don't even know what to get him."

Nat walks in not long after, "Hey, what's going on?"

"Oh, hey Nat, I just realized that it's Bucky's birthday soon and I've completely spaced it because of the wedding planning and everything."  You reply

"Do you want to do something for his birthday?" Laura wonders as she places a reassuring hand on your arm.

You shake your head, "I think I'm just going to call him and buy a cupcake or something to celebrate his birthday."

Laura nods and smiles sympathetically, "Okay."

The day of Bucky's birthday

You decide to call Bucky as soon as you woke up and got ready for the day, knowing it'll be in the middle of the afternoon, wherever he is.

You got up and showered and got ready for the day before calling Bucky. You sit on your bed and unlock your phone, you go to Bucky's contact name and press 'FaceTime,' it rings for only a couple minutes but you get caught off guard when Sam answers.

"Hey!" Sam smiles as he answers Bucky's phone.

"Hey! What are you doing with Bucky's phone? And where is Bucky?" You ask confused.

"I was just messing with his phone, he's over here somewhere." He answers as he continues smiling.

"Were you trying to pull a prank on his phone?" You ask, chuckling.

"No, he said he needed help with it and he didn't really want to ask Tony for help with it so he asked me." Sam states proudly as he goes to look for Bucky.

"How are you doing?" Sam asks

You sigh as you shrug, "I'm alright, just been busy with the wedding planning, course I never realized how hard it would be to not have Bucky around to help make some of the decisions for the wedding, and plus I've been worried about Bucky as well but otherwise I'm okay."

"Yeah, Bucky talks about all the time about how much he misses you and wishes you were here with him, especially today for his birthday. But here is Bucky." Sam says once he does find Bucky.

"Hey, doll!" Bucky says excitedly.

You smile, "Hey Buck! Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks, doll, wish you were here to celebrate with me."

"Me too. Where are you guys?" You wonder

"We're back in Germany right now but we're going to be going to Madripoor here in the next few days, so we're just sightseeing right now."

"That sounds like fun." You smile, trying to hide the sadness that you are feeling right at this moment because you aren't with him to celebrate his birthday.

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