Chapter 22 - Can you mend the broken?

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The life-flight helicopter makes it within a few minutes as Clint had called. the life-flight nurses get you on a gurney, check your vitals on the helicopter, and apply pressure on your bullet wound.

Bucky holds your hand and whispers, "Please, please, be okay."

The helicopter lifts off the ground as soon as they have you stabilized and flies to the nearest hospital. Bucky is silently praying that everything is okay, worried that something happened when Hydra attacked you.

As soon as you and Bucky arrive to the hospital, they rush you to surgery. Bucky's heart racing as he runs down the hall with the other medical personnel. They get you into the operating room, but they have Bucky wait outside, "Please, that's my girlfriend, please save her." His voice breaking and there was desperation and sadness in his voice.

The nurse who led him out of the operating room places a reassuring hand on Bucky's arm and says, "We'll do the best that we can." She says before making it into the operating room.

Bucky stands outside of the operating room for a couple hours, watching the surgery go on as he waits for the others to come into the hospital.

Sam and Sam walk in a couple hours later. Steve asks, "How is she?"

Bucky takes a deep breath before answering, "She's fine. She's been in surgery for the past couple hours."

There is a few minutes of silence before Bucky asks, "How did it go with Rumlow and the other agents? Where are Nat and Wanda?"

Clint sighs, "Rumlow and Jack escaped but we were able to get a couple of the other agents and have them in custody."

"Nat and Wanda are on their way." Steve adds

"Let us know if you need anything or if anything happens with her." Sam replies as he places a reassuring squeeze on Bucky's shoulder.

"I will." Bucky replies with his voice cracking, knowing he doesn't like to show his emotions especially in front of Steve and Sam.

Sam and Steve walk out of the room and leave Clint and Bucky alone.

There is a comfortable silence as they continue watching the surgery, "You okay, Barnes?" Clint asks quietly.

"No, why weren't we there right at that moment to help her? You said that we would both protect her, but she wasn't with either of us!" Bucky asks, infuriated.

"I know, and it's neither of our faults, we didn't see it coming, she was with the girls, they're just as strong without us, if not stronger." He replies calmly, knowing that he doesn't want an argument blowing up.

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