Chapter 12 - Remembering the past

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"You still remember that moment?" Clint asks softly 

"I do, it was one of the first moments that I wrote in my journal after I had left Hydra." Bucky responds, "I remember how scared she was. I also remember all those times that I had trained her. I wanted to find her after Steve found me but I knew that I would have a target on my back."

"Yeah, I thought that I would have been able to find her sooner, but I didn't realize it would take over 12 years to find her. But I never realized that you knew her." Clint admits 

"Yeah, the only person that knew was Steve. I didn't know who to trust after I had moved into the Compound."

"That's understandable. I'm just grateful to know that she's alive and well. But I know that it's going to be a hard transition for her, especially considering everything that she has gone through." Clint sighs 

Clint and Bucky spend a few more minutes talking about how to help you transition with everything that's going on, among other things until Bucky gets up to go upstairs, "Are you staying here tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm going to stay to check up on Y/N." Clint responds

"Okay, sounds good, see you tomorrow." Bucky says before going upstairs to his room to go to bed.

Clint pulls out his cell phone to call his wife, Laura.


"Hey, how are things going?"

"Things are good, guess who I found today?"


"Y/N, my niece."

"How's she doing?"

"She's alright, all things considering."

"Yeah that makes sense. Are you going to stay the night?" Laura asks on the other end of the line.

"Yeah that's the plan." 

They both talk about their day until they both go to bed. 

"Goodnight. I love you. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Laura says

"I love you too. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Clint responds before ending the call with Laura.

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