Chapter 3

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They make fun of you for getting in trouble.


"I don't want you to apologies to Denki. I want to know why you said it"


"Ok when you want it this way. 1 week detention after school starting today"


The homeroom teacher still wonderd who Bakugou was talking to. If it is what he thinks it is more serious than he thought.


And ofcourse not that you only make your parents life miserable with your existence, you make the life of the people who put up with you everyday a hell. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

"Bakugou? Can you hear me?"


Why was he still alive?


He looked around, the broken glass laied in front of him.


Katsuki tried to continue but the person who hold him was stronger.


Aizawa's dark thoughts were interrupted by an ear-crashing scream. It was Bakugou, he clutched his hands over his ears, his eyes were shut, yet you could see tears daring to fell. Bakugou stopped screaming out of pain, sadly not the positive way, it got worse he started to shout for them to shut up, he begged them to stop.

Aizawa just stood there unable to move, he was to shocked to see one of his strongest problem children so broken. His heart began to ache how could he not notice this sooner. He really is a bad teacher.

No!! His first priority is to help Bakugou now then he can sulk about his own pathetic self. His body started to move, he rushed to the teen kneeling down.

"Hey Bakugou? Can you hear me?"

Bakugou didn't made any move  to show he knew where he was.

"Bakugou?! Katsuki Bakugou?!"

Aizawa tried it again louder, without any reaction. He looked around hoping to find anything that could help, then he saw it. A new wave of panic rushes to Aizawa, the door is open any person who walks by could hear Bakugou.

Banging were heard. Bakugou punched the desk again and again. Shota tried to hug him but the broken blonde would just send hits and explosion his way and then there were the door open for everyone. The teacher sprinted to the door closed it. Good no one would be able to see his tough student in such a vulnerable state.

He was on his way back to Katsuki, however he did not saw this coming. The window broke and his student started to slice his left wrist. Tears were leaving his eyes now too. One of his best kids just fucking started to self harm in front of him and he weren't helping.

The blood coloured the floor in a deep red. Aizawa took Katsuki's hands and hold them, so he couldn't continue.

Bakugou struggled to get out of his grip. Aizawa had to erase the younger's quirk to not get blown up. He embraced Katsuki, who hit his back to get free and continue hurting himself.  This goes on for some time. Aizawa silently crying and scolding himself for letting this happen, while comforting the ash blonde in his arms. 

Bakugou stopped after a while to get out of the embrace and eventually gave in. Hugging his teacher back, pulling him in even closer. Aizawa's back slowly soaking wet with the blood of the crying and broken boy who is clearly audible in pain.

He Lost And He Found (Depressed Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now