Chapter 15

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"Okey! Momo please tell me what's going on. Why do you all hate All Might so much and what is with Bakubro?" 


Sero was on the bringe of tears. He just wanted to know what happened that everyone is acting so weird. It was overwhelming.


Mina being the first one to snap yelled at Kirishima while pulling him by his collor.

"He passed out.... due to the lack of oxygen" 


Momo tried to make them all feel better, by saying that he is going to be ok, still she herself wasn't convinced by it.


Back then it was always Katsuki who helped her pushing further.


And the half of the class who didn't got informed by the seriousnes sunk in the sea that was created by the tears of the Bakusquad and the team that fought against the ash blonde.


He just heard that his childhood friend is in the hospital, first the kidnapping now this? Why was it always Kacchan.


"Midoriya it was....."


Katsuki opened his eyes to a dark area, the only light source was the moon. It seemed like he was in a forest, the cold and the snow made it clear wich season it was. He doesn't know where to go so he just goes where ever his feets take him. Light on his right side appears, it was icey blue but he could feel the heat that radiates off of this light source. As he walks closer a name appears in his mind: Sekoto Peaks. He knew this forest, he was once there as a kid before it burned to ashes. He met this one boy, wich name he can't remember. He was training and it looked like it hurt him, yet he didn't stopped he continued. Katsuki doesn't know till this day, why he was so mesmerized by it. He wanted to train just as hard, he went to this small boy. And after some awkward greeting they trained together. Since they had similar quirks it really helped them to improve their skills. This went on for five days, neither of them really talked they just trained to reach the same goal, surpass All Might. They noticed the few similarities from what they shared, beside their same goal their parents didn't gave attention to them, but were the reason why they were so determined to make their dream come true. Than on this one winter night the accident happened, Katsuki wasn't allowed to leave the house. As he finally managed to snuck out in hope to train he saw flames, huge blue flames. Sekoto Peaks stand in the same blue flames, that his companien created and was burning to ashes by over 2000 degrees celsius, his training partner was announced dead. It didn't took too long and he forgot about everything. As he reaches the flames he sees the same thirteen year old boy he used to train with.


The boy looks up and his turquoise eyes meet the ruby red eyes.

"Who are you? You remind me of Katsuki"

Bakugou stopped he forgot he was 16 years old. He thought he was in his 5 year old body, since he never came back to Sekoto Peaks.

"Well, I am Katsuki after all, just from the future. Do you know why I am here?"

The boy looked at him sceptical to find the lie. A shaking of his head tells Katsuki that he doesn't know anything too. He continues to go to his old comrade and sits down next to him.

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