Chapter 42

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"Where is Bakugou?"


"I overslept Dunce face."


An emptiness that pierces you and slowly sucks everything from you until nothing is left.


Bakugou watched as his teacher was starring him down trying to figur him out, something impossible.


The smile turns into a sinister grin excited for tomorrow and how he would be able to show those loosers who's the best. A small spark of excitement reaches his eyes. That stays for only how long it's possible without being seen by anyone else.


"Dad have you seen his eyes? There- they were- the- They were- Have you seen the emptiness in them?"

"Hitoshi calm down-" Aizawa tried to grab his sons shoulders, who shrugged them off immediately.

"How the fuck should I calm down?!"

"Don't use this language in this house. Eri might hear you." He remarked harshly. It was a strict rule they set up after Eri came to live with them. 

"Why does my language matter to you right now?! Bakugou is in need of help!" Aizawa knew that Hitoshi was right, yet he also knew that talking with Bakugou was something that had no impact on him.

"We can't do anything in this moment. He won't talk to us."

"You don't know if he will talk or not!"

"I tried ok?"

"But maybe he will talk to me! We are friends! He trusts me..."

Hitoshi broke out in tears, his shoulders shaking. He wanted to help his friend. He even tries to make Katsuki's old friendgroup see that Bakugou is still the same person they befriended at the beginning of the year. The same person they made so many good memories. Hitoshi tried his best to help Katsuki and yet it seems that it is all for nothing. 

Aizawa slowly pulls Hitoshi in a hug carefull to see if it was ok. Hitoshi hugged his father back wanting to feel the support and love from his father.

"Hitoshi give him time."

Shinso mumbled something that sounded like fine. They stayed like that for some time until Hitoshi calmed down and was ready to let go. 

"I will help your father with dinner now. Will you look after Eri a bit?"

"Sure" Hitoshi follows his father outside of his room and goes to Eri's room.

He only had two days left until he would need to get back to the dorms. The futnitures had to be switched and the rooms had needed to be cleaned in every corner, who knows what the perv did in his room. Anyway, it took a while until they found someone who had time to do the job and for the time being Mineta and Shinso were told to live home. 

"Hey Eri what are doing?"

"Hey Toshi! I am drawing."

"Can I see what you are drawing?" Hitoshi goes to Eri and sits down on the floor opposite of his sister. A small desk was between them paper and crayons are scattered all over it. 

Eri watches him holding her drawings to her chest, so he wouldn't be able to see them. "No."

"Oh why not? Did I do something?"

"You were crying I heard it. I wanna know why."

Hitoshi sighs. "Well if you really wanna know I am worried about a friend that's all."

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