Chapter 43

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"Why does my language matter to you right now?! Bakugou is in need of help!"


"Hitoshi give him time."


"Why were you worried about your friend?"


"I wanna meet him!" Eri exclaims happily.


After that he tried to avoid awakening stubborn Momo.

He smiled as he remembered it.


The betrayal he felt because of her. Everything came up again. 


"Fuck off and leave like you did last time."


Momo wanted to tell them that she did that he deserves to be a hero. 


But before Momo could say anything to defend him Todoroki said something that let her words get stuck in her throat. Unable to come out for way longer then she wanted.


She couldn't help it but cry and grief over her actions of the past weeks. In front of the door of the person she loved like her own brother. Someone she hurt without realising. Breaking the trust and friendship once again. This time forever probably.


Finally after eight weeks he stands in his hero suit waiting for instruction to be told. His face had his signature scowl, however, on the inside he was all excited for his fight. He hoped he would have a worthy opponent that would be able to challange to him. 

"We will be playing capture the flagg." 

What an irony thought Bakugou.

He probably did it on perpose to mock me. This little bitch.

 All might continued.

"The rules are simple: Get the flagg of the opposite team and take her to your own flagg. In a situation were both flaggs are taken the team that first gets the flagg to their own side is the winner. This time we will play with only two teams. If you hurt your own teammate you will be disqualified."

For Bakugou it meant ten people he could fight and nine he had to make sure get the fucking flagg. 

"Team 1 will be: 

Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka, Asui, Kirishima, Shoji, Hagakure, Ojiro and Sato. 

Team 2 will be: 

Yaoyorozu, Shinso, Tokoyami, Sero, Jiro, Aoyama, Koda, Kaminari, Ashido and Bakugou."

Bakugou was glad his teammates were thankfully none of Deku's friends. With Shinso and Kaminari in his team he would at least have two people that are willing to talk to him. Yaoyorozu doesn't count. He doesn't want to alk to her.

"You will have ten minutes to talk. And go."

The teams huddle together and think about how to defeat the enemies. 

"Ok so their flagg is here" Momo says pointing at the left side of the map. "And our flagg and start point is here" She points to the right side of the map. "They will probably send Toru to get the flagg. The shortest way is through the middle two or three should try to get through, but the most definetly have someone positioned here too. The best at fighting would Bakugou, Tokoyami, Kaminari and myself. Though it would be better if I stay by the flagg. We don't know who will get through and I am the most flexible when it comes to fighting an unknown opponent. Tokoyami at the front could, however, be a problem due to Bakugou's explosions. The light will weaken Dark Shadow. Beside I think Todoroki will be in the middle path as well.

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