Chapter 51

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[...]He flinches slightly looking down to see Eri hugging him.

[...]Wherever he went he brought misery with him.

[...]"Mister Bakugou are you and Hitoshi coming to play with me?"




Bakugou was staring at his food. He had lost appetite after watching that stupid movie. It wasn't bad. It was actually quite alright. He just hated that stupid old hag of that meter hair blondie. He had left whenever she was on screen. Coming up with stupid excuses like having to go to the toilet. 

"Bakugou is something wrong with the food?"


"You didn't started to eat so I wonder why? When you don't like it you don't have to eat it. We can do something else." Aizawa looked intensly at him waiting for an answer. 

He gulped. Why would he even offer something like that? Why would he even bother for him?

"No. It's fine."

He didn't eat it. He poked in it, not knowing what to do. After noticing the eyes still on him he eventually took a small portion and shoved it in his mouth. It was good. Not as good as the food his mother made and in fact if he would have made this for his mother she would have screeched at him. Shouting how disgusting it is. How could he even think about letting her eat it and if he wanted to poison her with how awful this tastes? 

He scowled. He didn't want to think about his mother anymore. He didn't wanted to seem ungrateful. Aizawa was kind enough to prepare food for him and what does he do? Complain because a bit of salt and other seasoning is missing, the noodles are a bit to soft as well and - and he does it again. Complaining about the smallest things. 

He is being ungrateful.

"Mister Bakugou? Is everything alright?" 

Again? Why was everyone paying attention to him. He hated it. Couldn't they simple mind their own business?

"Everything is fine short stack. Just not hungry."


"I ate something before coming here."

He hadn't. He had forgotten to eat today. But they wouldn't know. They should be satisfied with this excuse. He hoped they would leave it at that. He really hoped they would.  

Surprisingly, they did. Though Shinso, Aizawa and Present Mic kept glancing at him. Was it always so quiet  when they ate or was it only because of him? 

He wanted to leave so bad right now. It felt awkward. Eri was talking happily with everyone and is probably the reason his teachers and Hitoshi keep calm about him. He really starts to like this kid. 

Slowly, but surely was the attention taken from Bakugou to Eri and the conversation. Bakugou was reliefed. He stayed silent only speaking when asked directly. Eventually they came to an end. 

"Eri, Bakugou and Hitoshi will have to leave now. They are not permitted to stay here tonight."

"Whaaat? No can't they stay just a little longer?"

"No Eri they can't, besides you will have to go to bed as well"

Eroi pouted. "Not fair".

Hizashi brought the upset Eri to her room leaving Aizawa with The two young boys alone. 

Bakugou gulped. He didn't liked the situation right now. With Eri gone they would start to question him again and pity him and try to help him. He didn't needed their help. Nothing was wrong. 

"Why didn't you eat anything?" Aizawa is the first to ask him. 

Bakugou shrugged with his shoulders. He didn't trust his voice. He wasn't crying that's not it. He simply didn't felt like speaking right now. 

"Was it because of the movie?" This time it's Hitoshi. 

Why is it that he always seemed to know things about him, when he wasn't supposed to? 

"I noticed you went out of the room when mother Gothel was on scene."

Hitoshi couldn't know right? How his mother treats him sometimes, when he is being a disgrace. If Hitoshi knew, would Aizawa know as well? Would Hitoshi talk to Aizawa about these kind of stuff? Would they even care for him or would they laugh and tell him how pathetic he is? If they know would they watch and stay aside? Would they do something to the hag? Would they take her away from him? Would they put her in jail? Would he ruin her life even more because of his carelesness? And the old man, what would he think of him when the hag gets arrested? Would he be arrested aswell? Would he still consider Katsuki his son? What will happen when they take her? Where would he live? Could he still be able to go to UA? Does he still wants to go to UA?

"Bakugou please talk to us"

"There's nothing wrong. I'm fine. Besides it's none of your goddamn business." He became defensive. 

Aizawa now defintely knew something was wrong. If there is nothing wrong he wouldn't react like this. He wouldn't be defensive like this.

"Bakugou when was the last time you ate?"

What should he do? This question won't do. Bakugou would never admit it. How should he get Bakugou to talk with out over stepping his boundaries. Would he even be able to get through to him? Or does he has to overstep somme boundaries to get to the problem child? Aizawa didn't knew. He wanted to help. But how can he help if the person won't let himself be helped? And how much time would he have? How long would Bakugou hold on to life?

"Before I came here. Like I said and now I will fucking go back. I want to sleep."

Aizawa was right. Bakugou wouldn't tell the truth. He never eats at such an hour, because the class will be near the kitchen. Aizawa knows how much Bakugou avoids the class and vice versa. 

"You didn't ate anything right?"

Of course he didn't. But he would never admit that. Shinso knew again. Well it didn't surprised Bakugou this time.

"I did."

Aizawa sighed. This is going nowhere. Bakugou is rejecting everything. Whatever they ask he will respond as if he has a perfect life. There is nothing he can do right now other then let him go. 

"Fine whatever just go to the dorms."

As they are about to leave they hear small and fast footsteps. Soon enough is Eri running towards them.

"Mister Bakugou wait!" Eri runs and hugs Bakugous leg. Hindering him from leaving.

Hizashi comes running along apologizing that she just ran off. 

Bakugou looks at Eri. He didn't flinch this time. He is feeling something warm in his chest. Why is he happy to see Eri? He never gets attached to people that fast. Besides he is never happy to see anyone or even have them hug him. He despises physical contact. So why does it seem that he enjoys this?

"I forgot to ask you if you are visiting us for christmas. Hitoshi is coming. So will you come to? Pleaseee."

Christmas? Oh right christmas is coming around. Three weeks or something like that. How come he didn't notice. Wouldn't the class be all loud and shit like that about christmas? Wouldn't he notice because of the class and people asking around what they wish or what they do? That explains it. Bakugou looks down. Of course the class will be quiet around him. They don't want him there. 

Eri does. 

"Of course short stack. I'll come." 

He will say hello. After all everthing seems fine. Nothing seems messed up. He could allow himself to come by for a few minutes right?

"Yeayyy! Papa! papa! You hear mister Bakugou will come too!" Eri runs back to Hizashi. Who smiles and agrees and brings her back to her room. "Bye mister Bakugou!" Eri shouts over Hizashi's shoulder.

The other family members smile as well upon hearing that Bakugou will come. 

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