Chapter 34

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 It cast him extra sore muscles and a lot of patience but a week ago he was able to hear Bakugou laugh for the first time.


 His image of Bakugou changed drastical. He doesn't see the arrogant and rude asshole but rather the hard working and smart boy that hides behind this mask of anger. Eri was right all along.


In the end it was Denki who pulled the grumpy looking Bakugou with him away from the others, who didn't let Bakugou in peace.


Sacrifacing his chance to talk with one of his friends again to save the friend. Everyone would had done it right?


However, out of respect turned soon into him truly wanting to talk with Bakugou about his own thoughts and the ones from his friend. He felt himself even a little bit exciding to meet the blonde again.



"Have you asked Aizawa-sensei about switching to 1A?"


"One whole week and you- You know what I'll do it myself." Bakugou clears his throat before loudly asking "So what is your answer?"

Hitoshi looked confused at Bakugou not understanding the question. No one answered and Bakugou spoke again with the same loud voice.

"I know damn well that you can hear me. Do I have to come up to your little hide out or why aren't you answering my question? .... Aizawa-Sensei?"

Hitoshi's eyes widen. What? Aizawa was here? Watching him and Bakugou interact? Train together? Why didn't he told him this? Shinso looked around trying to figure out were his father was. A clearing of his throat was heard before Aizawa stepped out of one of the entrances.

"How did you know I was here supervising the two of you?"

"Oh please. Of course a teacher would have to come here and see if anything is alright. Insomnia had to tell someone that he is training here, he did needed the permission. That's the whole reason why he was the one getting the permission. I certainly wouldn't have got it considering my injury. The teacher often decide in a group who is watching at what time the student, so their is no regular teacher for the same student, not when the teacher always wishes to supervise the same student. It was pretty obvious that either you or Present Mic would tried to get the supervision over this dumbass here. You both of course were interested in why he was asking for permission to train on this training ground."

"Why only the two of us?" interrupted Aizawa his student.

"He is your son after all." Shinso and Aizawa looked surprised. Hitoshi had never mentioned his parents by name. How did Bakugou figured that out. Bakugou groaned after looking them both in the eyes. "Look, you and Present Mic wear the same wdding rings and Hitoshi slipped that he is the brother of Eri and everyone knows that you are Eri's legal guardian. It's really not that hard. I really don't know how no one else has notice it yet.  Anyway, back to the topic I saw you watching us the second time we were here. I just didn' bothered mentioning it. Now does this son of yours get to change classes due to his skills?"

"Nezu has to decides this. If it would go after me I would want to see him in an actual fight first before deciding."

Aizawa was already in fighting position when Bakugou stopped him.

"No not you Sensei. I know who will do it and actual learn as well." The two other males looked puzzled at the calm blonde. "You can show yourselve I know that you have been watching mindfuck and me for quite a while now. If you haven't notice I watched you train the day after. That's why I gave some tips to mindfuck even though he did them right. Don't you understand Copycat?"

Monoma stepped out of his hiding spot and walked to them. Son and father looked at each other and just shrugged their shoulders, not knowing that Monoma was there all along. 

"Looks like I wasn't as good as I thought I was." Monoma stated calmy, trying to not let his surprise or nervousness show.

"You two will fight against each other without quirks," demanded Bakugou.

The two boys do as told and start to show what they learned over the past week. Dodging, attacking, fake attacking, trying to outsmart the enemy with the speed and reflexes, figuring out the next move and reacting to it, paying attention to their open sides. Fifteen minutes of intense fighting until Shinso got the upper hand and won. Both boys were now laying on the floor panting and sweating. A small tapping applause appeared. Everyone heads snap towards were the sound has its source. Principal Nezu was walking towards them with his usual smile on his face plastered.

"Good job at training the two boys Bakugou. They both improved their skills faster then anyone in class 1A. I think it is time to say that Shinso has the qualified skills to get into the hero course class 1A."

"WOOOOOO I KNEW YOU WOULD GET IN HITOSHIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Present Mic yelled from the audience stand.

Hitoshi just looked at his loud dad before yelling in utter frustration. "How many people are fucking here hiding somwhere while fucking watching Bakugou and me train!?!?!?! FOR FUCKS SAKE THIS CREEPY!!!"

"Monoma! Why did you loose to this boy?! I had faith in you! Now I owe Midnight 100 bucks!" Vlad King yelled from the otherside of the audience stand while Midnight sat beside him.

"I knew you would kick his ass Shinso! I am proud of you!" Midnight yelled.

"Ignoring the two, I have to admit that Bakugou really did a great job at traing them while letting his lungs recover pretty fast after the last incident."

"You are right Cementoss and seeing as Bakugou usually teaches the other by letting them figure out mostt things by their own while fighting them he should get extra credit." Ectoplasm agreed with Cementoss. 

"Yeah I am glad to say that Bakugou's lungs are now healing in record time. It's surprising to say the least." Recovery joined in the consevation of the other two teachers.

"Of course they still have to learn, but we could use some of his training methods for our own classes." Snipe too complimented Bakugou as he talks to the others that were just watching from aside.

Shinso looked as if he is about to kill himself if only one more person appears to a normal fucking training day of him and Bakugou. He was alright with Aizawa and Monoma, even thought this was already creepy for the 1B student. As Principal Nezu joined he started to freak out accepted it however as he heard that he got into class 1A. He finally did it and could now tease the pomeranian even more, anyway that's beside the point. As then some seconds later his father, Midnight and Vlad King were making their presence noticable he didn't know what to think. Monoma seemed to be in the same state as his while Aizawa was looking ashamed at the floor and Bakugou unintrested around, even though he just got compliments from all of the stuff at UA and the principal himself. Hitoshi had the hope that Bakugou was just better in covering up his emotions. 

"Only we Mic, Vlad King, Midnight, Extoplasm, Cementoss, Snipe and Recovery are here. Aizawa had texted me while some of us were discussing some school related things. He told me to come since you were showing if you would have the needed skills to transfer. He sparked my interest as he said that you definitely would have enough skills. The others simply followed me, we met some of the other stuff in the corridor and they spontaniuosly decided to follow and Recovery Girl wanted to come just in case after seeing all of us in the corridor. That Bakugou and Monoma are here too is fairly a surprise for us." The high voice of Nezu explained the situation. "Congrats again. I now have to leave that party to tell Mineta that he is in general studies if his behaviour towards woman doesn't change. It will be a warning to him, if he doesn't wants to be suspended or even worse an expulsion from school. Good day." 

"He planned all this didn't he? This warning for Mineta thing he had planned to let mindfuck join class 1A all along after the sports festival." Bakugou's raspy voice broke the silence, as everyone was watching Nezu go his ways.  "Probably" agreed Aizawa. 


Since I didn't updated for like two weeks I felt bad and decided to uptade two chapters on one day. :) Hope you like it. 

Sorry again for not updating for such a long time. I was camping and didn't had the time to write. :'(

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