Chapter 30

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it was two for yes and three for no.


"Mina!" Denki, Sero and Jiro shouted in unison.


He didn't even apologized to Midoryia."


"How would you feel if your friends suddenly ignore you?"


Sure he may be rude sometimes, but he always motivated them to push past their limits making them better heroes. And for fucks sake they were his friends. Friends are supposte to stick together.


"First of all Sero it is Bakugou we are talking about, of course he won't come to us. His pride is stopping him from it and second what should he do?!"


We can't force Bakugou to apologize to Deku it has to come from himself or else it's invalid!"

Denki was furious he didn't know why it was pissing him off so much it was just striking something in him and he didn't liked it.


Ever since that one day he had his eyes set on Bakugou.. He, too, was mesmerized by Bakugou's determination to win. He saw the blonde boy fight despite being injured and weakened. He thought at first that it had been pretty stupid to just jump in action like that, but then again he had done it too. He didn't analyze the situation before running in and saving the boy he had despised with his life. He felt a bit like a coward for running away like he had. However, he knew he didn't stand a chance against the villain and getting the pro heroes was the best decision he made. He had later figured out that Bakugou was staying in the school with Eraser Head. He had visited Bakugou and had seen him laying with bandages everywhere. It had taken a lot out of him. He had this image of Bakugou that no matter what happens he will always be on top unharmed. It was the second time that he saw Bakugou laying on the white bed sleeping. It reminded him that he is and will always be a student and human-being that makes mistakes and falls. Bakugou was simply standing up immediately after he fell. Bakugou wasn't going to show his weaknesses to the world or anyone and yet he failed. Even the best fails. Aizawa saw him vulnerable and he did too, as well as Shinso.

When he looks out of his room, he can actually see the 1A dormitories. He was looking out his window that one evening to witness the ash blonde running away. When someone is brought to the hospital and a few days not in school you hear from it. Especially when it is someone as loud as Bakugou. A quick question to Aizawa and you know what's the matter. The fact that Bakugou is not allowed to exercise was pretty obvious considering his lungs were collapsed, as Aizawa said. So like every normal person when you see someone running, who isn't supposed to run you follow them. It took him a little to find Bakugou training behind the schools. However, as he did found Bakugou he couldn't step in. He knew it wouldn't be good for Bakugou and that he should stop and yet he wasn't able to do anything not after seeing the face of the normally angry blonde. He saw the tears running down and the desperation to get the build up energy out. He understood that Bakugou's coping mechanism training was. And it wasn't hard to see that the whole school was avoiding him after they found out that he was a bully and did some pretty fucked up shit in middle school. He didn't had the heart to go their and stop Bakugou from letting his emotion out. He was there and could act if something happens. He had himself sat down with a long sigh and think about everything.

He wasn't supposed to see Bakugou on his lowest and seeing this side of him and not the loud, arrogant and angry side made him rethink himself. He had made fun of Bakugou so often and he genuinely wondered if Bakugou had took it seriously. He had just ignored him, but now that everyone ignored him because of the rumors he was wondering if he should talk to Bakugou. He didn't really thought differently of Bakugou after finding out about the past. He thought it was pretty obvious that Bakugou was a middle school bully and he coud see that Bakugou was having some major character development. If he wouldn't know better he would say that it's the first time that Bakugou made friends that are walking beside him not behind him.

A loud thump made him look over his shoulder and to Bakugou to see what caused the noise. To say he was surprised as he saw Shinso beside Bakugou was an understatement. It was fairly unexpected hearing Aizawa call Shinso by his first name. He listened to the conversation in hope to get some more information on Bakugou's condition. In the end Bakugou just had doubled his time to heal. He wondered what would have happened if he stepped in at the very beginning and if he did the right thing.

Anyway, after that night he found an interest in looking out his window every evening. He noticed that Bakugou was coming hours later than everyone else every second day. Hep decided to follow Bakugou to see what he is doing. He is aware that it may look like he is a stalker, nonetheless, he was curious.

He had found Bakugou being at one of the training grounds helping Hitoshi Shinso train. The training seemed tough, but well structured. Bakugou was a strict trainer, though he gave good tips. Every other person who wasn't good with Bakugou would have probably said that Bakugou is being to hard with Shinso and that he wasn't training him, but torturing him. Or something like Shinso should stop training with Bakugou, especially since Bakugou is just sitting near by watching Shinso do all the hard things. This or something similar would he say when he wouldn't know that Bakugou isn't allowed to train. He, however, was listening quietly from the shadows to remember the tips that Bakugou gives Shinso and use it for his own training and he had to say it helped him a lot. Every other day was he coming to training ground alone, well knowing that Bakugou and Shinso wouldn't be training and did the same training routine Shinso had to do the day prior. This was going for about three weeks now. Bakugou would be allowed to start training slowly after the next three weeks. He wondered if he would train with Shinso or alone. Though, he noticed how good the two understood each other. Bakugou was laughing more often and seemed to have pretty much fun with Shinso. He was kinda jealous, he had seen a side of the blonde that only he and Shinso knew and he felt special. The thought that Bakugou however never knew that he was there made him sad. He wanted to laugh with them and train with them too. He knew that this is going to be an unfulfilled dream of his. Bakugou would never want to be friends with him.

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