Chapter 10

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"Hey Bakugou, you have to snap out of it"


"Hey Sensei could you give me a sheet of paper and a pencil please. I lost my backpack in the alleyway"


"I am hear to listen to you without judging you. Ok?"


Katsuki writes till late into the night.


Some minutes passed and Shota shots up looking panickly around for Bakugou,


No Bakugou and no letters,


His chest started to fill with pain, like someone would stab his lungs with little needles over and over again till every inch felt the needle.


"Hawks would be able to- Shit! Where is this kid?! Hawks..., Flying..., Training camp..., Kirishima...? Bakugou! He fucking is there isn't he?"


He slowly walked towards the figure that was sitting on the edge letting his feets dangle over the edge.

"Hey Bakugou"


Aizawas voice was calm and soft to not scare the kid or give an wrong impression of his intentions off. Bakugou turned around to face the person that disrupted his last peace. He wanted to call his mother to hear her voice one more time, but now he had to do it without it. It's not that important anyway, it was just a silly thought.

"What are you thinking right now?"

The kid just looks Aizawa in the eyes. Emotionless and any spark or will to live left along time ago in the crimson eyes.

"Just the usual ya know?"

Bakugou answers in a calm manner not really caring at all. It's not like he will be here for much longer. His teacher sat beside him, that's when he noticed the papers, being held by a rock. He could identify eleven different letters. Bakugou had written much in the past 4 hours.

"Wanna go to bed you must be tired"

"No, I am not tired."

'Well I'll go to an endless sleep soon'

With that thought Bakugou turned his head back to look at the campus of UA. He leand a bit forward. Aizawa tensed up he tighten his scarf around the pipe ready to jump after his student if he might fall.

"If you really want me to go to sleep I am going to sleep Aizawa-sensei."

He stood up to face his teacher a last time with his smile. He leaned forward only a light push from a 3year old would be able to let him fall over. Aizawa stands up to grab Bakugou and get him away from the edge. The ash blonde not wanting to be saved sent explosion at his teacher to keep him away. Eraser using his quirk erases the quirk of his opponent.




Bakugou's phone vibrates in his pocket meaning he gets message after message. In a span of seconds he had 50 new messages. All coming in now after he turned his phone on some minutes ago and new ones. The two freezing from the sudden noise in their movements. Bakugou get out his phone, the Bakusquad groupchat was the cause.

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