Chapter 26

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Bakugou scoffed he sure missed this.


 It was a bracelet with rubies set in gold.


 His squad still ignored him and Momo, she didn't talked to him after the night again just like the rest.


Oh but it is! And you know it all to well. You can't ignore the obvious.


He knew what he is about to do would fuck his lungs up, still he had to do this. He had too much energy in him that was waiting to be set free.


"The same thing as you. Meeting my past."


"Of course. Who do you think saved you from drowning? One of your little friends?"


"It's not my fault that Endeavour is such a shitty father!"


it was more of them training.


"Yeah. Nothing happened. It seems as if we can't get hurt in this dream-demension-thing."


 One in his bed the other on the gras behind the school two persons standing over him.



Shinso was taking a little  walk at the evening. He didn't thought anyone would be outside at this time, however, the sound of explosions proved him different. He was curious as to why there are explosions at this time; so he is now walking to the direction where he thought the noise came from.  He wondered what the cause of this explosions is. It could be the quirk of a student, though this wouldn't explain as to why they are training so late. Maybe these are the villains that try to get on school grounds, but would they really use such loud explosions? Shinso wasn't sure, however he held his phone ready to call Aizawa if it is something bad. 

The explosion got louder the nearer he came to the back of the school. Seeing the person that caused these explosion let him stop in his tracks. Why didn't he thought of Bakugou. He is the only person he knows that has explosions. Shinso stared at Bakugou not being able to move. To see the hot-head exercice at this hour, breathing heavily, looking so determined to improve his skills, sweating, having small cuts and bruises all over him reminded Hitoshi of the words his father told him some weeks ago. 

"He sure as hell is not an attention seeker Hitoshi"

Maybe he understood what Aizawa meant by that. Shinso never imagined to see Bakugou train this hard, he always thought that he was just lucky to have so much talent. That his talent made him arrogant, but seeing him like this pushing himself further, continuing beside he is already breathing hard. It made Shinso rethink his image of the angry teen in front of him. As Bakugou started to cough more, but kept on training Hitoshi became uneasy. He felt that something wasn't right and when he remembered that this boy was in the hospital because of a collapsed lung he knew what the problem was. He called his father to inform him that his student is training. He didn't know if he should step in or wait for Aizawa. There is a high chance that he will get blasted if he shows himself and he rather not get blasted by Bakugou. On the other hand, Bakugou didn't seem to stop any moment and the longer he will work out the more his lungs are at a risk to get more damaged. What is it gonna be, Bakugou's lung or Shinsou's life? 

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