Chapter 48

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[...] Bakugou get's down to the other teens level and places his hand on Monoma shoulders to give him some support. He hoped he did it right. He wasn't sure.

[...] Bakugou waits until Dabi dissapears in the woods. "What do you want to ask?"

[...] Why was he always accused of being the traitor? He hated it.

[...] "Long story short I saved him from drowning in this river. After that we became sorta friends?"

[...] Bakugou grabbed Monoma's shoulders glaring at him. "Why the fuck didn't you waited for Recovery Girl?" Bakugou yelled at Monoma.



"Are you telling me you lost the bracelett that I gave mini you?" Dabi asks stepping out of his hiding spot behind the trees.

"What do you think of me? I have it right here." Bakugou pulls out the bracelett from his pocket. "We still need to talk."

"Well then you can start. Tell me what did you messed up that you needed so bad to fight?"

"Oh no. I am not talking about that. I am talking about the reason." Bakugou stepped closer to the railing.

"Right. I said I would tell you the next time we see each other."

"Yeah you did. And if you don't have one which is probably the truth. I will only be here for how long it takes Monoma to call me." Bakugou steps closer to the railing again.

"No need to do it. If you want me to jump after you, you can just say so." Dabi half joked.

"Touya I am serious. I can't continue living like that. Especially after what I did today." Bakugou leans his ellbows on the railing looking down in the river that stormed beneath the two.

"Kat I'm sure it can't be that bad." Dabi sais leaning against the railing next to Bakugou.

"Oh but it is. I fucking hurt Shinso. He was telling me that he is trying so hard to make the class see and I hurt him because of it. He probably hates me now. I don't know why, but I don't want him to hate me. He made me realise these things I didn't know were possible and I just care for him too much to loose him as well. I already lost my squad I can't bare loosing him now too. So tell me why should I keep fighting? Why do I exist Touya? Tell me."

Touya turned around opening his arms. If Bakugou wanted a hug he would allow it. He would be there. If he didn't wanted a hug, it would be fine too. Bakugou isn't the person to hug that much anyway. 

Dabi sighed. "I am gonna be honest with you. If you had asked me today the first time you saw me I wouldn't be able to answer. But after hanging with you over this damn river, the answer seemed so obvious. I have seen it first hand how easily you convinced this boy that he has the strenght to hold two person alone. I have seen the panic in his eyes as he whimpered about how he can't do it. His eyes were full of regrett and self doubt. But, you replaced it with determination. You let him believe in himself and his skills. I don't know many people that are able to do this. And those heroes that are claiming to be the symbol of peace or #1 hero wouldn't be able to do it even if they tried their hardest. I suppose Eraserhead has this type of impact on others. So don't give up. If it weren't for you we would be laying on the ground of this fucking river living our very last seconds."

Bakugou stared at Dabi as he was thinking about it. Could Dabi be right? Did he motivate other people just like Aizawa? It would be nice if it were true. Being like Aizawa sounded like the best compliment he ever received. The question that seemed impossible to answer, yet so simple stayed always the same: Can he believe these foolish words? Could he bring himself to belive Touya? Yes, yes he could. He could trust Touya after all. He once again proved that to him. Jumping after him. Such an idiot.

"You are a fucking idiot for jumping after me."

"I would do it again and you know it. I can't just let you die not when I haven't proved that I am going to win that bet. What was it again? Ah right who can annoy Endeavour and All Might more. Remind me again when did we made this bet?"

"Shut up! It was the first thing that came into my mind as he asked why we were so close. I didn't liked the fucking idea of spilling my past just like that. Besides did you really wanted to tell me about who you really are Touya?"

"Yeah, yeah you win, but I drowned? What the fuck werre you thinking?"

"I weren't thinking at all. I panicked okay?"

"But than he believed it just like that. He needs to learn to think properly. But like for real this shit that I supposedly said sounded so much like a fucking lie. I mean imagining Endeavour drowning an begging for help, while I would just watch sounds pretty fun but nah. He has to suffer first. I can't let him die before I haven't proved to him that I am stronger than his little masterpiece."

"Oh, don't start with this bastard. He fucking accused me for being a traitor because my fighting style reminded him of you or some shit like that. He did infront of every damn boy in my class as if I don't have a shitty reputation already. Ponytail also told me that he was all like if anyone befriends me they are just as bad as me and shit like that."

"The last move was a real asshat move, reminds me of my father. But the first one I mean he isn't completely wrong we do train together."

"But I am no damn traitor"

"True, but say Craftingtable talks to you again?"

"Yeah we talked today before the shit with Shinso happened. I guess she was scared because of what your excuse of a brother said."

"Don't remind me that he is my brother."

"No don't think I will. I will remind you over and over again that that Iceyhot bastard is your brother, just to annoy the hell out of you." Bakugou's phone rang.

"Copycat? How is he?"

"He is fine really. Nothing that Recovery Girl weren't able to heal. But, have you found your bracelett yet? It's starting to get dark-"

"Yeah I found it. I am on my way back to the dorms right now. See you in two days."


"Guess I have to go now. See you eventually." Bakugou pushes himself from the ceiling making his way out of this forest. But before Dabi ran to him, stopping him from leaving.

"Make sure to stay alive. If you need some good company here." Dabi gives a piece of paper to Bakugou. "We never know when we will meet in this dream-shit-reality."

Kat inspects the paper to find scribbled numbers on it. Probably a phonenumber.

"You couldn't have write it neatly so it is actually possible to read?" Bakugou asks still squinting his eyes. 

"I did while you were lying to Vampires brother." Touya sais hinting to Bakugou that he didn't plan to do it.

"He is not the brother of that Crazy chick." Bakugou defended Monoma. 

This secret brother shit reminded him to much of Todoroki and his secret love child shit. Maybe he should rub it in Touya's face that he is just like his brother in that matter? Maybe another time. He is tired and wants to sleep. This day was one rollercoaster after another. He is mentally and physically exhausted. He is unsure if he is going to school tomorrow.

"No for real have you heard his laugh. He has to be related to her there's no way he isn't with this laugh." Dabi reasoned completely sure that what he says is true. Bakugou didn't had the energy to engage in such conversation.

"Goodbye bitch."


I'm gonna keep the recap-thing, but try to keep it shorter so that the ones who don't need it can skip it easier. 

Happy Hallooween! :D

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