Chapter 67

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[...]Or was Best Jeanist really just asking him to become kind of his son? Did he really wanted to take care of him?

[...]"So when can I go back to class?"

[...]"I will offer you a deal birdie. If you win against me in Shogi I will tell you something from Dabi's past. If I win you will get the fuck out of my life and forget about my relationship with him."

[...]"Are you fucking accepting or will you keep staring?!"


Hawks finally accepted. 

The partie was intense, it lasted for several hours but at the end it seemed that Hawks got the upper hand. Bakugou was genuinely enjoying the game not having had such a competent enemy for years. Finally a challenge. And then he saw it. Hawks had made a mistake, a grave mistake that cost his king. After the next move Hawks saw just what he did a second ago. 

The game was over. Hawks lost and Bakugou won. 

Bakugou complimented him for being not half bad. Though it didn't change that Hawks had to leave and get out of Bakugou's life. After the teen shut the door he wasn't quite sure if Hawks would really stop snooping around. The glint in his eyes had betrayed him. 

Bakugou looked at the time, classes were over for today. Might as well call Shinso.

"Hey, dumbass send me all the work I missed."


"Fucking monday."

Bakugou felt an urge to ask Hitoshi about the class. About that lesser scumbag of Todoroki. What they all thought about him. Would they continue to ignore him. Would they hate him? Had they been worried after finding out he went missing? Would they at least tolerate him again? 

He didn't know why he felt so desperate for their validation, he never cared for it before. Besides, why should they hate him less? Just because he was missing, what the fuck was he thinking. He didn't need their fucking pity. Hitoshi still cares for him, he doesn't need any one else. Who even cares about his classmates at this point after they abandoned him, ignored him. He fucking beat up Todoroki, there is no way they would welcome him back. He will be glared at it's what he deserves the nasty glares throughout the whole lessons. It was clear as hell. He shouldn't get his hopes up.

One person will stay with him, he reminded himself. Hitoshi will accept him. He always had and he had rushed to him as soon as he found out he was safe. He had brainwashed Aizawa to get to him. Of course he will be fine as long as Shinso is on his side.  

Monday came way to fucking fast for his liking. But he felt oddly relieved sitting in his chair again. He was of course the first to arrive and had time to enjoy being back for that short moment. 

The door opened and Momo entered. He could hear her bag falling to the ground and shortly after feel her arms slung around him. He hesitantly hugged her back. A moment later he was being hit by her.

"You asshole! Why didn't you told me you were coming back? I was worried, you asshole!"

"I forgot."

"Asshole." Momo glared at him before finally beaming. She smiled and sat down next to him filling him on about what he missed. 

The class slowly filled all greeting Bakugou and Momo. The old Bakusquad was filling around Bakugou and Momo plus Shinso to catch up with their friend. 

Even though Bakugou enjoyed having them around he couldn't help but feel uneasy. Kaminari as well. He stayed in the background which worried him. And since when were they so fucking glad to see him again? They all ignored him for months? They can't just come back and act like nothing happened.

"Fucking stop talking already. Why the hell are you talking to me again?"

Bakugou makes sure to glare at Mina, Kirishima and Sero especially. No one dares speak. 

"Tch. If you just act as if you guys didn't ignored me than I don't need your company. Besides Pikachu if you can't stand me than fucking leave. No one forces you to stay."

Luckily, Aizawa came punctual as ever and everyone was forced to sit back down either way.

In the first break Kirishima, Mina and Sero came to apologize to Bakugou. They were sure to point out that what he did in middle school was unmanly and that what he did to Todoroki was messed up, but they also explained that the weeks with him missing had made them realize just how much they still care for him.They would understand if he didn't wanted to be friends with them anymore and they simply wanted to make sure he knew they didn't hate him.

Bakugou could only scoff at them. 

"Nice words. I'm touched. Really. And yet I can't quite believe you. I never betrayed any of you. You guys should have listened to me first, not ignore me at the fucking first thing! It's not like I lied to anyone. Friends don't act your way. So try fucking harder if you want to be my friend again."

With guilt ridden faces have they made their way back to wherever. Bakugou ended up talking with Jiro, Momo and Shinso. Though he couldn't help to wonder what was up with Denki.

During Lunch he was kidnapped by Monoma who interrogated him and had him feel guilty for not informing him at all. Monoma was the only one who knew which friend Bakugou stayed with and he made sure that Bakugou knew how stressed he was. 

Because what if Dabi was kidnapping and hurting him and all because Katsuki believed they were sort of friends or whatever the fuck was going on between them. 

Katsuki had to reassure Monoma multiple times that Dabi would never hurt him intentionally. That they keep their professions strictly out of their frindship. Still not believing it fully Monoma was just happy that he was back. Shinso eventually joined them for the end of Lunch.

After school, because Bakugou just couldn't catch a break today, came Todoroki to him.

"You will tell me about this Touya instantly. I have something good from you after that incident."

Bakugou couldn't believe that guy. He just had to hold it against him to find out more about Touya. This bitch really lost all of his emotions.

"Fuck off. It's still none of your fucking bussiness. If you hadn't choked me than you wouldn't have gone to the hospital."

"Is that Touya my brother? I have a right to know."

"No you don't."

"He is harrasing my family. I want him to stop it at once."

"Fine I tell him to stop, because of that incident. But who am I to tell him what to do?" Bakugou shruggs his shulder walking away. 

That halfnhalf bastard is pissing him off. He saw just in time the hand that tried to grab his wrist.

"Do you want to end up in the hospital again bastard?"

"If its means you finally tell me who that person is, yes."

"Tch. Don't ever touch me again or you can say hi to your brother in the afterlife."

Todoroki clenches his fists glaring holes through Bakugou. Begrudged he leaves him alone for now.

Finally, Bakugou has some peace and quiet in his own four walls. Time to think about the biggest fucking nuissance he observed today. Denki Kaminari. The first to accept him in this class and the one that avoided him when everyone else was coming back.

A headache really. Bakugou groans before making his way to the dunces room. He knocks.

"Hey, dunceface open up. We need to talk." Bakugou clenches and unclenches his hand waiting for Kaminari to open his fucking door.

"Go away."

"Not until you tell me why."

He didn't respond.

This went on for several days and each day Bakugou got more and more frustrated. Normally he wouldn't mind. He would have tried one or two times and then moved on, but he couldn't forget that he had stayed with him through it all wearing his stupid smile. Oh for fucks sake he was becoming soft. 

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