Chapter 60

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[...]"Why the hell are you at that hou- oh fuck!" Dabi interrupted himself as he answered his own question. "I will get you out of there. Just hold on."

[...]"This can't be true! Bakugou wouldn't let himself get kidnap. This must be some sick joke."

[...]"Alright the officers will take one after another and talk with them privately. Please be cooperative and tell them everything you know."

[...]The athmosphere resembled the one when Bakugou got badly injured in training a few months before.[...]


Bakugou groans as he slowly wakes up. His lungs feel as if they are burning with every breath he takes. His head is a bitch and hurts. He just wants it to stop. The attempt to shield his eyes from the light with his arms failed as a searing pain went through every fiber of his body. He doesn't even want to try and move his legs. It already hurts enough. He just wants it to stop. Why couldn't it stop?

"So you are awake?"

Bakugou slowly opens his eyes. Ignoring, as best as he can, the light. 

Dabi notices this and closes the curtains. 

"What the..." Bakugou can't continue his sentence. The pain unbearable.

"Your old hag went overboard on you. If I weren't there you would have probably died. Right now just concentrate on getting better."

Dabi didn't initiate another conversation as he changed Bakugou's bandages. After that he simply left. No word spoken. He quickly came back, having a pill and a glass of water in his hands.

"Painkillers. Can't have you loose sleep." Dabi helped Bakugou take the painkillers. 

A whole weak had passed. Bakugou, all bored, had forced Dabi to play shogi with him.

"Man, why are you so shitty at it? No wonder the heroes always win."

Dabi rolls his eyes as he angrily continues playing shogi. 

"No dumbass don't you fucking dare. If you do this I am gonna murder you in your sleep. This is the stupidest move you could do right now."

Dabi quickly pulls his hand away from the piece he was about to move. Even with Bakugou helping he couldn't win. Bakugou was simply to good that little bastard.

"Hey Touya, do you think Shiggy would be any good at shogi?"

"No that guy can play video games not shogi."

"What about -"

"Nope. There is no one. Believe me."

"Pathetic-huh wait a second. All for one!"

Dabi's head shot up. He looked Bakugou in the eye. At the realization he meant it Dabi contemplates of knocking the shit out of him. 

"No. Don't. Don't even think about it. No. Bad Katsuki! Bad Katsuki!"

"But just think about it. He would be such an interesting oponent." Bakugou grins like a maniac. 


"You are a villain too. So help me get in so I can play with him."

"You can't just break in a prison to play with that guy shogi. You wouldn't make it. Besides it's just a goddamn game."

"I don't care. I wanna know how good he is!"

Dabi sunk his face in his hands as a groan of desperation escapes his throat. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe Bakugou.

This continued for the next few days. Dabi was on the verge of turning himself in to escape Bakugou's obsession about playing shogi with the most wanted criminal - well he already got captured - but anyways.

"Ok if you only so much as to think about mentioning shogi I will turn my self in. And no I won't ask All For One if he is intererested in a game."

"Man I didn't even wanted to say anything of that kind of ....thing...." Bakugou lied through gritted teeth. 

Dabi stared at Bakugou. 

Silence filled the room. 

Dabi grabbed the nearest thing - a pillow - and threw it at Bakugou. 

The fight began.

And ended as soon as Dabi realized Bakugou should rest.

"Asshole" Bakugou pouted as he sat down on the couch.

"A thank you would have been enough."

Bakugou flipped him off. 

"Do tell me Katsuki." Bakugou looked up from his book.

"How come you are fine with me -" Dabi recieved a questionable look. "I mean like me being me - me doing that stuff those things - me being a goddamn villain. Like urgh. You are training to become a hero. Your job is to stop me not hang out with me. You should hate me, but instead you talk with me. You trust me and over all you casually talk about me killing and wanting to play with my boss shogi. Shouldn't you show even a bit resentment towards me? I mean If someone finds out its the end of your carreer."

Bakugou looked down. He never knew Dabi thought so much about him and his job. The worst about it all he was right. Bakugou should resent Dabi for the things he does. Yet he can't bring himself to it. 

How can he hate the person that does so much for him. That is there for him when he needs it. A person who doesn't ask stupid question or runs to the police to get the old hag behind bars. 

He takes a deep breath.

"I don't really know. The thing I do know is that you are my friend, even family. And if you think about it as only jobs the whole hero and villain thing than we are just two friends hanging out after our work. No talking about it. Nothing illegal right? Two person who work in rivalry industries are allowed to be friends as well. Especially when they were friends before they got their Jobs. They just can't talk about their jobs secret thingies like. We don't talk about work secrets as well. I don't see the problem."

"Katsuki it's not the same. And you know it. If someone were to find out-"

"I don't care! I don't care alright. You are the only person I trust. You are the only one that stays no matter what I do. No matter how much of a dissapointment or failure or asshole I am. You stay! And I can't loose you again. You are my family! OK? Besides this fucked up dream world did a pretty good thing to overcast the fact that you are Dabi and not just Touya. So what about it I don't care what you do as long as you don't tell me."

Despite the fact that neither of the boys were the type to hug, did Touya step forward to embrace Katsuki. He reluctantly returned the hug.

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