Chapter 24

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Falling down.

He was suffocating.

He didn't wanted to die like this.


He gasped loudly, coughing out water. He looks around again. He is back in this forest. He looks up to see the bridge he jumped down some meters away. His whole body shaking from the cold. His clothes are wet and the night the opposite of warm. He stands up and makes his way back to the dorms. He couldn't really remember what happened after he hit the water. The only thing he knew was the fact that he didn't liked the lifeless feeling of suffocating. He didn't though about anything. He didn't remembered anything from that day except him jumping while the sun shined bright and waking up in the middle of the night in his wet uniform. He tried to remember why he actually decided to jump. He still wants to die and yet if he would stand at this edge again he wouldn't be able to actually do it. There is this thing that is always holding him back. But today he did it. He failed. On the contrary, he still tried. So what drived him to do that? And why did he failed? Did someone saved him or was it just bad luck? Ok, now he was definitly thinking about something. 

He didn't know what time it was and his phone died because of the water. So his only way to get in was to ring the bell of UA-high. Not a very pleasant thing to think of in his situation. As soon as he does this he has to explain why he isn't on campus at this time and he can't just say like, 'Oh yeah I jumped from a bridge trying to take my life because of something that happened today, wich I, by the way, don't remember. And well as you can see I did not succeed in this why I am now returning to the school.' If he says this he is doomed. So what is he going to say now? He got lost, maybe this will do it. It's worth a try right? 



"God dammit! ANSWER ME!"

'...........yeah it could work............What the fuck was that? It felt like a flashback! Arghhh! Why was I so furious and who should have answered me!? If this fucking phone just withstand alittle water, than maybe I could find out what happened or at least call shitty hair to let me in. I'm sure he would still help me even though he is a little pissed that I don't tell him why I leave the class sometimes. I could tell him this. It would be safe and maybe he could keep the voice silent.'

"Who is at this hour trying to get into UA-high?"

"Bakugou Katsuki"

The gate opens and Bakugou steps in. The capture weapon of Aizawa raps around him in milliseconds and his teacher comes with his hair up and his eyes glowing towards his student. He had to be cautious; it was true that Bakugou was missing since lunchtime and this coud be a trick from the LOV to get into UA. They sent Aizawa for two reason to the gate: first if it is Toga or a duble from Twice his Quirk and scarf would have showed him this instancely and second Bakugou was one of his students. As soon as he heard that their was someone on the gate saying they were Bakugou he rushed to see it himself. All Might was complaining that Bakugou wasn't in his lesson. He had to ask the class twice untill they said they hadn't seen him after lunch. It was Uraraka that cracked and told him all about the rumors. He couldn't believe it. He was worried he had seen Bakugou on his lowest once and he didn't know whaat this has on an impact on Bakugou. The boy captured in Aizawa's scarf does nothing except standing there and staring at his teacher. The weapon looses and Aizawa deactivates his quirk. 

"Where the hell have you been problem child?"

Aizawa let Bakugou fully free by now. He just continues staring monotonious at his teacher not moving one muscle. 

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