Chapter 53-Christmas 2

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[...] Bakugou hugs his pillow unintentional, while his mind drifted further down the dark path of selfdestruction and -blame. He overhears the few knocks on his door.

[...]It wasn't unil many hours of practice, sweat, eagerly drowning his bottle and forgotten time that his phone rang.

[...]"Oi! Stop laughing at me. If you don't stop I get my five points." Touya took this whole bet way to seriously. But Bakugou found it hard to stop laughing right now.

[...]So everyone who talked to him was here. How fucking emberassing.

[...]And the person he least expected was the one to find him first and sit down next to him. Not saying a word.[...]



That was everything the Girl next to him whispered.

The two sat there not daring to say anything.

"Jiro!?" Momo yelled from across the room.

She was searching a minute ago. Where did she go? Momo wondered. Was it all a lie? Was Jiro really concerned for Bakugou? Was she no longer interested in making up to Bakugou?

Momo didn't know. She had hoped that Jiro said the truth. That she knew treating Bakugou like this isn't right. She hoped Jiro didn't ran away tired of searching for Bakugou.

She hoped.

She hoped more than anything.

"Jiro where are you?" She tried again. Hoping she was only crouching or anything to hear better? Momo didn't knew. But she hoped the girl is still here searching, helping. 

"Did anyone found him yet?" 

A chorus of no's respond. 

"Maybe...." Kaminari was unsure if he should say this out loud. "Maybe he was ...kidnapped....again."

Monoma was quick to deny this. He sounded almost desperately. After all friends, or whatever Dabi was to Bakugou, don't kidnap each other right? Bakugou trusts him. And if he didn't left the school ground there is no way he is with that villain right now. He doesn't associate with the league only with Dabi. But that is different.

Monoma won't believe that Bakugou is with the villains right now. There is no way. He is here. 

Shinso agrees with Monoma. There is no reason for them to kidnap Bakugou again.

"They are worried about you you know?" Jiro mumbles. 

She stared at the floor. Why was she the first one to find him? Then again he did used her quirk. But it was only luck that she went to his area. 

"Why?" was all Bakugou could say. 

"Because it's not fair. What you did to Midoriya and Momo is shit and I don't want to forgive you for that. Because it's just fucked up."

He looked confused at her. That in no kind of way was an explanation as to why she is here searching for him. Supposedly caring about him. 

"And it is only fair that the class shows you that it was wrong. They had every right to show you that they won't tolerate this kind of behaviour."

More confusion.

"But they are so so wrong to say that everyone that befriends you is just as bad. That is bullshit. And I hate that Momo got into it. She is great, like Kaminari. They care so much about this class and that's that's why they can't just watch when you are being mistreated."

The confusion was growing. 

Like the tears in Jiro's eyes.

"You don't have to be a psychic to see that you regret it. And.....and what I am trying to say that they are by now overreacting. 

For fucks sake we are hereos in training and how can we be hereos if we only concentrate on the past misdeeds. We have to learn to forgive and give seconds chances and for real it's not like you are the biggest asshole on the planet."

Bakugou thought the opposite. He was the biggest asshole on the planet. Maybe only second this once. After Endeavour.

"You have been such a good friend- in your own way. You helped me with hereos too and much more. Without you the Bakusquad would still be failing the written exams and I am sorry."

By now Jiro was silently crying remembering the day Bakugou was sick and everyone confronted Momo about hanging out with Bakugou. She made sure that we understood if we think like Todoroki, that every friend of Bakugou doesn't care for Deku, that we shouldn't expect to be her friends anymore. 

Jiro was conflicted. Momo is caring about everyone. Why was she standing up for someone that treated her so shitty? Jiro didn't understand. That's when the sleepless nights started. She thought about it. About every word that was going around. Momo, Kaminari, Shinso, Todoroki, Midoriya, Uraraka, so many people that had formed a picture of Bakugou trying to convince everyone else that theirs is the right one. 

She knew she had to think for herself. Form her own picture.

"He is not here. We searched everywhere." Kaminari states defeated. 

"No. He has to be here. Where even is Jiro didn't she wanted to help?" Shinso wonders.

Jiro looks at Bakugou. Where they just gonna sit here or where they gonna make themselves noticeable? 

Bakugou wanted to tell Jiro that she was wrong. He was one of the biggest assholes on the planet. He also wanted to tell her more. He didn't know what, but it didn't matter his throat refused to let out any sound either way.

Jiro knocked two times on the ground.

"Hey did you guys heard that?"

"What now Kaminari?"

"There was a knock. Someone knocked." 

Now he got everyones attention. They started to search again. Shouting for Bakugou. Jiro kept knocking on the ground. Not wanting to speak up. Bakugou was still freezed at his spot staring at Jiro. 

And to no ones surprise they found the source of the knocking: Bakugou and Jiro.

Relief washes over Monoma and Aizawa. He is here and safe. Both think with different worst case scenarios. 

Momo is happy to see Jiro did stayed true to her word. Looking at her tears it's clear as to why she didn't responded. 

Kaminari didn't quiet knew what to do now. He knew he hadn't talked to -bakugou for some time after the squad was hanging out with him more. Asbakugou didn't showed his face for Christmas, not once, he worried. He had asked Momo and Shinso if they knew anything only to be told that they went up to him a couple times with out recieving an answer. Jiro heard by accident and asked if she should try to hear if he is even in his room. Turns out he wasn't.

They ran to Aizawa, who wasn't informed of him leaving today. It was then and there they decided Bkugou was more import than some party. They started searching for him. Texting him, calling him. No response. Shinso asked Monoma to everyones (-Aizawa) surprise if Bakugou was with him. No, he wasn't. He came to help as well.

And Shinso, he was more than happy to see Bakugou safe and he would have hugged him as soon as he was able too, if it weren't for his mind screaming at him to stop. Respect his personal space. Respect he isn't one for physical contact. 

Now 7 people are standing awkwardly in a circle not knowing what to do or say. 


The next chapter is gonna be with Eri again and more light hearted. I am excited to see how it will turn out. 

Sorry for the rather short chapter!

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