Chapter 49

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[...]"So tell me why should I keep fighting? Why do I exist Touya? Tell me."

[...]"You let him believe in himself and his skills.[...] I suppose Eraserhead has this type of impact on others."

[...]Kat inspects the paper to find scribbled numbers on it.



As he stepped into the dormitory he was surprised to see Shinso waiting in front of his door. To often are people nowadays in front of his door. He wasn't used to it nor did he liked it. He also wasn't ready to face Shinso just yet. Momo's room it is then. Every other possibility would end in him having to associate with other people from the class, which would be worse. And Monoma would only tell him to fucking talk to Eyebags. 

Knock Knock.

Momo opened her door to Bakugou's angry scowl. Definetly a surprise. He pushes past her and enters her room without saying anything. He makes himself comfy on the huge bed and gets out his phone to safe Touya's number in it. Momo looks back on her bed to see Bakugou chilling there on his phone. She closes the door and faces him.

"So ummm any particular reason you are here?"

"Eyebags is waiting in front of my room."

"Don't you wanna talk to him then?"


"Ok then. I will just continue what I was doing before you came and interrupted me."

"Sounds good"

"Great" Momo slowly goes to her desk eyeing Bakugou suspisiously from time to time. 

Time passes and both are minding there own business the whole time not interacting at all. The only time they were at least aware of the other persons presence was when Momo joined Bakugou on her bed to read her book. 

"Katsuki you need to leave. If someone sees  you that late on the girls side of the building you will get in trouble. We don't have Aizawa-senseis agreement."

 "Who cares? It's not like anyone will come here that late."

"But you don't have your bedclothes or toothbrush here. Beside were would you sleep?"

"Fuck you are right. I hope Eyebags isn't as stubborn as you. By the way did you slept there in the corridor while you were being so stubborn?"

"No, of course not."

"If you say so."  Bakugou quite didn't believed her fully, but whatever. "Good Night." Bakugou left quietly Momo's room and tried to sneak to his room. He was lucky enough to not meet anyone, but fate still seemed to hate him by throwing his fourth, if he remebered correctly, shitty conversation at him. 

That meant that he will have to at one point face this shit inside him called feelings. Something he liked to rather avoid. Four people in his life he cares for more then the rest and everyone seems to have to talk to him today. First Momo then Shin- Oh it's his fifth shittalk today- then Shinso, Monoma, Touya and now Shinso again. Probably calmer then before, but still. No fucking way is he going to talk about his feelings and shit again. Besides, his sleep shedule was messed up by now. He should be fast asleep for an hour or such. Not that he actually got a well rest. 

"Bakugou finally. I was waiting hours for you to arrive. Where have you been this whole time?"

"None of your business." Bakugou opened the door trying to close it behind him before the insomniac could get in. He failed. Bakugou growned. "Just get this over with I wanna sleep."

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