Chapter 41

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Bakugou opens his eyes a little bit only to see Dabi next to him.


"If you kill me they wouldn't feel as guilty. I would do them a favor and you would do me a favor. Everyone is happy. So deal?"


"That was just cheesy as fuck. Disgusting."


"I really admire you. I really do. You are still fighting where I gave up a long time ago."


"Please Touya don't do this to me."


They know their time has come to an end. 


"Where is Bakugou?"

No one answered. No one was able to answer. It was the beginning of class and Bakugou seems to be late for the first time in his life. The students were looking around surprised. Normally Bakugou was the first one to arrive not the last. 

"Maybe he overslept?" Tenya suggested after a while. 

"Yeah because he does it so often." Denki replied sarcasticilly rolling his eyes. Everyone turned towards him in that moment he realised he had said it out loud. "Sorry"

Aizawa looked at the clock 5 minutes had passed since class started. He shouldn't worry maybe Bakugou really just overslept. There is for everything a first time right? He started his lessons. Ten more minutes of inner panic later Bakugou hasn't arrived, now he was sure he was allowed to panic. Maybe not on the outside, but on the inside all the worse. How couldn't he panic with the knowledge that his student's mental health is fucked up. He saw the suicidal side of Bakugou. It would only be reasoning that something might had happened. Something no one wants or is able to deal with.

"It's been 20 minutes I will look after Bakugou. Don't do anything stupid while I am gone."

Aizawa rushed to the door and saw how it opened on itself. Bakugou walked unfased past him and to his seat, ignoring the strange stares of his classmates. His shirt was tied wrongly and his jacket was wrinkled. His shoelaces were both untied and his hair was a mess of blonde spikes it was a wonder that Bakugou was able to get such visible messy hair with his spikes. Except his strange appearance everyone felt that there was something else different about him, something that wasn't visible for them yet and still had such a strong aura that they shivered. 

When the first break came Denki and Shinso went up to Bakugou.

"Hey, Bro why were you late?" 

"I overslept Dunce face."

"Hey ummm... Bakugou is everthing alright?"

"Yeah why wouldn't it eyebags?" Bakugou kept his head low not wanting to look up.

"Well you usually are never late to anything so I wondered what made you oversleep."

"How would you know?"

"What?" Shinso asked confused tilting his head slightly as if he hadn't heard right.

"You are in this class for what? 2 weeks maybe? You don't know shit about how punctual I am."

"Bro that was rude. He simply asked if you are alright and it's not as if he is wrong."

"Who cares? I am not wrong either and now kindly fuck off." Katsuki looked up.

Denki's and Hitoshi's eyes widen and both take a step back catching the attention of their homeroom teacher. Aizawa walks to the three interested in what happened. 

"What is going on?" Aizawa looked in the red eyes of his students. Where once was determination to success was now the darkness of nothingness. An emptiness that pierces you and slowly sucks everything from you until nothing is left. As terrified as Aizawa is he doesn't let it show. He sents a stern stare back to compete with the one from Bakugou.

"Nothing is going on sensei. I simply told these two that I overslept this morning." The voice as dominant and piercing as the stare makes Aizawa shiver.

"Bakugou may I please speak to you outside."


"This wasn't a request but a command."

"Then phrase it like one."

"Bakugou go out off the classroom right now and wait infront of the door."

Bakugou stood up walking past his two shocked friends. He smirked before saying "What? Afraid of what you saw?" The smirks drops as soon as he is out of sight.

He wasn't in the mood to talk to his teacher. It was obvious that Aizawa wants to talk about his feelings and shit like that. Everything was totally fine. After the talk with Touya he felt different. In fact he didn't really felt anything. Nothing mattered to him anymore. He woke up at five o'clock and laid there for three hours without doing anything. He stared at his ceiling non stop. It didn't felt like three hours rather three minutes, anyway, as he was looking at his alarm clock he saw that the class had already started, he stayed in bed for another ten minutes. Without any motivation, he slowly got up and got ready for school. Then he walked leisurely along the corridors until he reached his classroom.

"Bakugou what is going on?" Bakugou stared bored at his teacher.

"I know that something is wrong. I am worried about you ok? I saw you standing on the edge about to jump and believe me, it is one of my biggest fears to witness it again let alone hear that one of my student suceeded in committing suicide."

Bakugou stared long and unfased at his teacher. He understood what he was saying, he knew the meaning of the words, yet he didn't believed. Words are powerfull and meaningless at the same time.

If Bakugou wouldn't feel so numb then maybe he would have felt cared for in that moment, but he is numb to any feelings.

"Are you done? I wanna have this day finished as soon as possible. Standing outside with you is a waste of time right now."

Bakugou watched as his teacher was starring him down trying to figur him out, something impossible. It was at some point amusing if he would be able to feel.

Aizawa sensei opens the door and walks in motioning Bakugou to follow.

The rest of the day Kaminari and Shinso keep piercing through him with their glances. In hero-training he sits for the last time on the bench watching everyone improve except himself. He couldn't wait to show these extras what he had been training with Dabi. 

After the time where they figured out each others identity they met another three times before yesterday. They had mostly been training like the old days. Touya had an idea for another attack that Katsuki could learn. They practiced and after he was able to master it he felt amazing. Dabi too was able to come up with new attacks. He used the training time just as much as Bakugou due to the fact that he wouldn't burn himself.

A smile graces his face remembering the training. The smile turns into a sinister grin excited for tomorrow and how he would be able to show those loosers who's the best. A small spark of excitement reaches his eyes. That stays for only how long it's possible without being seen by anyone else. 

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