Chapter 29

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"Ah, Yaomomo glad you are here. We want to help Mina and her friends to talk things out. They had a fight yesterday evening. You witnessed it right?"


Momo wondered now that they experienced this at first hand will they consider Bakugou's feelings?


"Your training. You trained despite the pain. It was pretty stupid."


"Why not? Someone that looks like an angry pomeranien can't be that bad"


First, you you don't care about my past and I train you or you do care and doesn't want to have anything to do with me and I won't train you. What do you choose?"


"When does the training start?" 


"Has everyone made up their mind?"

A round of yeahs are heard. Kirishima continues to talk.

"I would say we write our answers on a piece of paper. A yes for the wish that we become the Bakusquad once again and a no for we stay as it is. After that we can count the answers and discuss what we do. Is this alright ?"

"Sounds good to me" Everyone else is agreeing with Sero.

After they wrote down their answer they count and it was two for yes and three for no. Kirishima and Denki wanted to have the old Bakusquad back with Bakugou while Mina, Jiro and Sero didn't wanted to talk with Bakugou yet alone be friends with him.

"Why don't you guys want to forgive him already. It's been three weeks or something since we last spoke with him. Since anyone spoke with him." Denki said angrily.

"Well I don't want to be friends with a bully. Think about it he told Midoryia to kill himself what if he would have done it?" Mina answered a little angered at the outburst of her friend.

"Yeah but he didn't"

"Kirishima is right also like you said he bullied Deku not you. When someone has the right to be angry then it's Deku, not you guys" Denki were now raising his voice as well.

"Kirishima you were bullied in middleschool. Were you fine with me talking to them and have fun with them as if what they did wasn't bad?"

"Mina!" Denki, Sero and Jiro shouted in unison. They all knew about it and it was insensitiv to bring it up like this. They wanted to tell Kirishima that he doesn't need to answer this, however he was faster.

"If my bullies were in our class and you would be friends with them I- I don't know how I would feel. If they had changed for the better and I forgave them because they know what they did was wrong than I think I wouldn't have that much of a problem as long as I don't have to do anything with them. I would try to avoid them. Ignore them. Still I can't say for sure."

The room was silent for a moment before Kirishima spoke again.

"And Bakugou changed for the better. Also have you seen Midoryia trying to avoid Bakugou because for me it looks more like Midoriya still tries to be friends with him."

"Still Bakugou continues being rude to Midoriya and the rest of the class. I don't really feel like he knows how bad he was back then. He didn't even apologized to Midoryia."

"Sero is right and until he didn't apologized to Deku I don't want anything to do with him." 

They were all arguing and only trying to defend their own opinion without considering the other ones or trying to understand the points that the other person made. It 

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