Chapter 12

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He isn't risking his weak and soft side being seen by others.


His reason for coming early is almost the same, he uses school as an excuse to get away from her,


He was wondering why his squad begged him to hangout with them, but now aren't talking to him.


This is Katsukis chance.


"Bakugou what did you put in Denki's bag?"


A smile spreads across his face.


Mina looked with awwe at Denkis hamburger, it looked so delicious she wants to have one as well.


Their only hope is now that they see the real Bakugou, the good in Bakugou and believe in him.


So most likely Mineta.

'God why? This grape is such a pain in the ass! Urghh! I hate my life!'


"Heyyy Bakubroooo!"

"We still need a third member! So please be in our group!"

"Huh? What are you two idiots talking about?"

"We won't leave you alone"

"So practically like always....fucking fine!"

"Thanks Bakubro"

Kirishima and Denki shouted in unison. Bakugou wondered why they still wanted to be in a team with him. He is never nice and always acts rude so why are they always following him in training?

Because you have a powerful quirk, sure it is made for a monster like you, but still powerful. And they can make good use of it to not end up in the last place, though they are stronger than you and you will just be a burden to them.

Not now. Not when he has to focus on training. The voice always seems to get to him when he needs to focus hard to not dissapoint more people.

Katsuki~ why do you keep hanging out with them? They are too pure for their own good. They see how pathatic you are and pity you. They know how weak you are and that's why they can use you so goddamn easy. But in the end they will see that nothing good comes out with being in contact with a weak, pathetic, rude monster that is still useless in the end. They really are idiots Hahahahahahahahahaha!

Katsuki is furious how dare this voice insult his idiots and than laugh so fucking sadistic, he didn't care that this creepy ass voice insulted him. They were right after all, though when someone dares to be mean to his squad he doesn't show merci. The laugh didn't stop yet it made him crazy he just wants it to shut the fuck up. He were only able to hear the shitty voice laugh about his two idiots. It got all his nerves to not explode right here and now. He knew his class can see him, if he looses his shit the class will think he is insane and better off one of those villains, who all are mentally unstable.

'Shut up! And stop trash talking about the Bakusquad! Why do you lie about them?'

The voice stopped laughing like a maniac. They didn't liked the way Bakugou talked back. He isn't supposed to defend his friends no matter what. The voice is going to make sure that he looses this annoying trust in his friends. They want to see Bakugou being shattered into million pieces, before he kills himself. He didn't deserve any happiness and for the plan of the devil's voice it has to take radical measures. Bakugou will see that trust and love are nothing worth and for little shits, like him, that doesn't listen.... Well they have to experience it the hard way.

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