Chapter 39

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"It's about him, isn't it?"


"And lastly he didn't do anything wrong it's me. I just don't know how to feel about him."


 Am I selfish for wanting to keep him from hanging out with his friends?!"


The darkness that Bakugou radiated got to Monoma. Twisting his heart and letting him feel the stinging of sympathy.


"Selfish would be when you would do everything to ruin his friendship with the other extras. You are definitely not selfish." Monoma finished. 


"Mister Aizawa, please keep an eye on Bakugou. It is getting worse again. He had a mental breakdown at training and I worry he might do something stupid."

"I will. Thank you for informing me Monoma."

It was after school lessons in his office, that Monoma had knocked on his door and told him what happened yesterday at their training. He didn't get into details as to why Bakugou had a mental breakdown. The only things Aizawa knew about the Breakdown were one that Bakugou looked devasted. Monoma wasnt able to explain it to him as he was starring at the ground pure shock in his face. And two he knew that it had to do with his son. 

Aizawa did noticed that Hitoshi was more often hanging out with Kaminari and his friends. In fact Kaminari stopped going to Bakugou every lunch break and seemed to get along better with the class. Yaoyorozu on the other hand isolated herself more and more from the class. He had to keep an eye on her too. It is a rather concerning observation, considering that she normally is someone that loves interacting with her classmates and mostly organizes those class activities. He had to keep an eye on her aswell. If he could he would simply ask her what's the matter is. However, he didn't wanted to prey into his student's life and he thinks that he would make them feel uncomfortable.

He hated that the class had to get so complicated. Before everything started they were loud chaotic and a pain in the ass with their recklessness. Now they are split in dofferent groups and judging everyone when they do something with Bakugou. The class changed good and bad.

"Hitoshi I want to talk to you."

"Dad? What's the matter?" Shinso looked up from his textbook.

"I want to ask how things are going with class 1A."

Shinso turned fully around looking in his father's tired eyes. "It's good. I found new friends and I am decent in school."

"The truth Hitoshi. You can say whatever you want about my class, but be honest about it."

Hitoshi sigh, then standing up to fall on his bed face first. Both of them stayed for a short time silent.

"They are.... not easy to deal with." He said rolling on his back. "Kaminari, Kirishima and co are pretty cool actually. But Deku and his friends.... I don't know how to say this... they are kinda I don't know! Ummm they kinda have this umm... atmosphere(?) like a bit manipulative.... I don't think they know it or it's just me but I don't feel that comfortable around them. It's like, like umm here... it's I guess their way of saying what they want that comes of as manipulative for me. But dad please don't tell them anything or think anything bad. It's probably just my imagination and dislike to them because of how they treat Bakugou." 

Hitoshi sat up looking in his father's eyes. Aizawa didn't ecpected this. He wasn'T sure what he expected, but he knew he didn't expected this. How should he react when he get told that some of his best and nicest students seem to develope manipulative characteristics? Was it true and he didn't noticed it or was it really just a imagination from his son? Another thing to keep an eye on. Slowly but surely it becomes overwhelming having to look after almost every student. Too much was going on in the last time and Aizawa was sure that soon something big was going to happen. The league of villains was in the past couple months way to quiet it worried him.  

"No, I won't. But say you and Bakugou... is everything allright between the two of you?"

"Yeah of course why shouldn't it?" Shinso questioned. 

"Nothing just seems like the two of you don't really hang out any more."

Hitoshi looked down before laying down on his bed again. Aizawa wanted to ask some more and mention what Monoma had told him. He wanted to talk with his son about everything that included Bakugou, he had a right to know about Bakugou's condition, about his mental health issues. However, Aizawa decided against it. It didn't felt right to him in that moment and he has learned to listen to his gut feeling.

"Anyway, Dinner is ready in about ten minutes." Aizawa left his sons room without recieving an answer. 

His son needed time to think and so did he. Instead of going to the kitchen where his husband were making dinner he went to their shared bedroom and got into his yellow sleeping bag, he was always better to think in it. 

His mind driftet to the evening where he first saw Bakugou genuingly smiling. The day Bakugou was cooking him one of the best meals he ever had. He smiled to himself for a short period of time. It didn't last for long since he remembered the incident at the rooftop the fear of Bakugou jumping and him helplessly watching. FUCK! When what monoma tod him about Bakugou's condition he would need to look after him. He could do stupid shit again. He has to make sure that nothing comes as far as the last time especially since their aren't many people that could keep him from doing it like last time. The Bakusquad doesn't exist anymore. Not like they used to. 

Aizawa decided to go right now to Bakugou.

"Shota where are you going? I just finished dinner. The kids are sitting already at the table."

"I have to look for Bakugou. I am sorry."

"Bakugou again? What happened?"

"Monoma came to me and told me he had a mental breakdown yesterday and I have to see if everything is ok."

"I understand that you are worried, but I am sure that he is fine right now. He probably is already sleeping."

"No, I have to go."

Hizashi grabbed his husband by the frist stopping him from going any further towards the door.

"DAD! PAPA! When are you two coming I wanna eat it! The food looks so delicious!" Eri shouted from the dining room. Hizashi looked pleadingly at his husband asking him to stay.

Aizawa looked at his husbands eyes than at the door that lead to the dining room and back to Hizashi. He sighs going back in. For tonight he has to wait. Keep hoping that nothing happens, that he did the right thing with staying.

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