Chapter 36

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"The name is Shinso. Leave me alone."


"I just wanted to apologize for the class."


 Iida's mini lecture could have made him feel guilty to decline their offer. Also the irony in his words.


He felt bad that he transferred in such dark times.


Denki was looking around the room while Present Mic was more yelling then teaching at the front. He should be trying to listen and understand the lesson, yet he didn't. His mind always drifted to lunch. Shinso was really nice and he was willingly giving the blonde a second chance. He was determined that with the help of Shinso the class would be able to become like before - No, not like before. They would form a new bonde that is stronger than before. Denki's mind went once again back to lunch, when the three of them talked about classes and most important about herotraining. Bakugou kind of talked too, which wasn't quite usual for him anymore. Back with the Bakusquad he was mostly just listening and if something annoyed him he would always yell at them like, 'Shut the fuck up. This is stupid!' or 'How the fuck did you guys came up with such bullshit?!', making them all laugh. He missed the old times. 

Why did everything had to change? Why did everyone had to forget all the good times they had with Bakugou, with the class as a team. Does no one else notice how different they are? Or that they aren't a class- a team anymore? Why couldn't they forgive Bakugou already? Deku always tries to make them understand that Bakugou changed, that he isn't this stupid selfabsorbed bitch telling others to kill themselves. He had changed so much since the beginning of the year. Did no one noticed it? Do they hate him really that much, that even the people that talk with him are considered questionable or bad?

Denki had notice the glances from the others table as they saw that Shinso was eating with Bakugou and himself. Especially the Dekusquad seemed to look sceptical as if they were angry and didn't knew why he would sit with the two outsiders. Denki tried to ignore them and talked happily like always. He felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't let them know. He couldn't let anyone know about his real feelings.  He didn't wanted to be seen as week or crybaby. This one time that he almost forgot about was so embarrasing. He had cried because of some stupid words that weren't even real. On that morning he was just kinda stressed and hasn't notice that he was to annoying. He had put on that act that made his whole personallity and got Bakugou in trouble. Like always. He always messes things up. He just doesn't has luck. Now when he tries to repair something it seems that he just makes everything worse for other people. 

If he hadn't talked to Shinso than he would have eaten lunch with the others and they wouldn't be judging him. He has to make up it up to Shinso. He just has to introduce Shinso to the others and show them that Shinso is good. They can't dislike Shinso only for him hanging out with Bakugou and himself. Shinso wasn't really friends with Deku that's probably why it is easier for him to talk with Bakugou. The others can't argue that Deku is a friend of him and that he disrespekts his feelings with this action. They wouldn't be able to bring this argument not again. If they don't accept Shinso than they have to notice that their hatred towards Blasty is to much. 

Denki had something to do. He needs to help Shinso socialize with the class, but how is he going to do it? They are going to hangout after school. Maybe he could ask the Bakusquad if they want to tag along? Kirishima would hopefully say yes. He is most likely to say yes then the others. But when they know that Shinso is there then  Denki had a chance to get them. He simply needed the right words, the right arguments. It couldn't be that hard.

"Phonecharger! The lesson ended! Stop day dreaming and start moving your ass to hero training." Bakugou interrupted Denki's thoughts.

"Oh sorry blasty." Denki quickly packed his bag and rushed to Bakugou who was waiting at the door. 

"Oh? Shinso? What are you still doing here? Why aren't you going with the rest of the class?"

"I thought friends are supposed to wait for another."

"Wait does that mean you consider me a friend? I thought you didn't wanted to make friends."

"I changed my mind."

After everyone got changed into their hero suit All Might began explaining the lesson. Bakugou was still sitting at the side. Even thought Recovery Girl said that he was allowed to jog, she also explained that he wasn't allowed to participate in hero training, not even a little bit. Denki didn't knew any of that. He figured out that Bakugou should be able to train again in two weeks, but nothing in particular. As for the sparing at the beginning he was glad that Shinso was asking him instantly. He had always trained with Kirishima and it felt kinda akward and boring to always loose. Denki wouldn't be able to beat Kirishima, this man trained daily and even had his own punching bag and dumbbells in his room. Remembering the Sportsfestival Shinso didn't seem to be that good in hand to hand combat. Denki would probably have an easy game. With that mindset he started the sparing.

He loosed two and a half minutes later. He had underestimated his opponent completely. They started again this time a bit slower, Denki got some good kicks and punches, but not enough to actually compare with Shinso. 

"Pikachu concentrate! Your defense is lacking!"

Denki and Shinso turned towards Bakugou, who was standing five meters away. For Denki was it the first time that he got advice from Bakugou. Bakugou was always sitting at the sides, nothing else. He didn't know how to react to this. He looked back to Shinso to see him in a fighting stance already. The purple head didn't seemed to be so irritated, probably because he didn't knew how rare it is to get feedback from Blasty. Or that was how Denki explained it to himself. 

"Your left side!"

"Too weak! You fight like shit!"

"How are you going to defeat real villains when you can't even win against someone from general studies!? You had more training than him!"

Denki was panting. The sparring was almost over and he didn't got one chance to defeat Shinso. He was ashamed of himself. Bakugou was right. He was weak, Denki had more experience and training then Shinso. He looked up at his sparring partner, who was glaring at Bakugou. Denki's eyes widen. Oh no, Shinso was already starting to dislike Bakugou. Only because of him being to weak. No! It was once again his fault. Bakugou had finally another person to talk to, that wouldn't constantly annoy him and he had to ruin it. He wanted to tell Shinso that he shouldn't be angry at Bakugou for his harsh words. That was when Shinso looked at Denki.

"He is wrong. I don't think you had so much more training then I did. I had a pretty good teacher. With out this special training, you would have beat me in the first minute."

Denki looked surprised. He didn't know that Shinso had a personaly trainer. Anyway now was not the time to think about it.

"Oh don't worry. Bakugou didn't mean to be rude. Everything is allright. I am actually thankfull for Bakugou."

Shinso looked confused before telling Kaminari that they need to go to All Might to continue the lesson. 


The last two weeks one of my Teachers died and he was one of the best I ever had and then a few days later a friend of the family died. I don't really was that close to them but they were still to young to die especially my teacher. I just wanna tell you that it's getting angsty again, so yeah I think it would just kinda match the last weeks I had. This probably my way of dealing with it. 

I wanted to mention this to honour them in my way. 

Stay safe and and take care of yourself. 

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