Chapter 28

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"Not now Kirishima"


"Ah sorry. You are right. So my question is where were you at this hour and are you ok Bakubro?"




"You don't get to call me this, not after what you said to me...Kirishima"


"Don't you have something to say or are we ignoring me again like the past weeks?"


"Tch. Thought so. Don't fucking ask me question when you just gonna ignore me afterwards Kaminari."


He knew he will have a long night thinking about this and the last few weeks about how everyone acted towards Bakugou. 

Momo wasn't really part of this conversation either and still she felt as if some of these things, especially the last few sentences, were directed at her too.


He wanted to make it right. 


In fact they decided that they all think about what should happen with the Bakusquad. They would discuss everything tomorrow evening. 


The people that stayed longer at the common room and met Bakugou had small eyebags under their eyes. They looked tired and conflicted in some way. The rest wondered what had happened yesterday evening. They didn't got an answer from their classmates.

The Bakusquad wasn't talking to one another. It seemed as if they were ignoring each other. So the most obvious reason why they are all in such a bad mood would be that they had a fight.

Momo was unusal quiet just like Tokoyami. They were the two people aside from the Bakusquad that stayed longer. The class concluded that they witnessed the fight and that's the reason they were acting like they were. Neither did the class knew that it had something to do with the angry blonde that just left the dorms right now before they were discussinng what to do.

Since the day was pretty boring without Mina, Denki, Sero, Jirou und Kirishima being so upbeat and making the day brighter the class decided to help the squad sort out their problem. They just needed a plan. 

"Guys what are you all talking about?"

"Ah, Yaomomo glad you are here. We want to help Mina and her friends to talk things out. They had a fight yesterday evening. You witnessed it right?"

"What? No just- they didn't- Uraraka let them be they need time alone to think about... what happened yesterday. You guys can't help them right now."

"But we are their friends and we care about them." Uraraka exclaimed, the worry was real Momo could tell. She was about to explain the situation when Tsu said something.

"And they didn't ignored just each other. They ignored us too, kero. Even tho we didn't do anything and just wanted to help."

"Tsu is right it's not nice to just ignore your friends and I think  they had a pretty bad fight when they act like that."

"Please Yaoyorozu tell us what the fight is about" this time it was Iida who continued Uraraka's sentence.

When Uraraka said it isn't nice too ignore someone something in Yaoyorozu clicked. The brown eyed girl was right you shouldn't ignore your friends and especially not such a long period as several weeks. The truth hit her, making her feel even more guilty. Yet, how come no one cares that they do this to Bakugou. Of course they aren't really close to him, though, throughout the time and everything they went through they had bonded as a class. They trusted each other with their live or that's what she wanted to say. She as the vice class president saw that some classmates were skeptical of Bakugou, still it seemed as if this weren't to much of a problem. 

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