Chapter 19

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"Bakubro! It's us!"


 Whenever someone got in his personal space it was way too unpleasant to think about it.


 However, he decided to hold on just a little longer. He remembered that he choosed to live


"You guys did fucking WHAT?"


"I knew you cared for us Bakubabeeeeee!"


 The smile of him that should made everyone feel safe was now making Katsuki's stomach turn upside down.


"What is a hero?"


a lie: 'I want to win like All Might. That will never change!' 


They use the lives of civilaines that are in danger to beome popular and All Might isn't any different. Or the new number one hero Endeavour


Wich leads to the question what is a villain?


A villain, the majority of society would say it is someone who acts against the law. A murderer, a kidnapper, a robber and all that stuff. A villain, someone who fights with heroes. someone who wants to see the heroes throne crumble beneath their feets. A villain, someone who wants to see the heroes beg for their live. A villain, someone who thinks only of their own benefits, using the the lives of thousand innocent others to get what they desire. If you haven't notices it yet, the similarities between said statement and the so called heroes. I will gladly remind you of it. Both sides, the villains just like the heroes play and uses with the live of every single person in this society to get what they want. Be it popularity, revenge, money it doesn't matter. They both do it in their own disgusting way. Where I have to say the heroes manipulate the society into thinking they only want the best for them. Where as a matter of fact the villains are using their lives to destroy the heroes. However, in the end they aren't so different from each other as everyone may think. 

Now we can't forget that every villain is different, just like one person will never be like another person, everyone is unique, their individuell selves. There are the kind of villains that simply enjoy seeing others suffering, they aren't worth of any forgiveness, their are a hopeless cause. Than there are some villains that grew up only knowing robbery and killing, these are the ones we have to help understand the society. That it is not normal to kill and steal. We have to welcome them. And of course we all know it the villain that turned their back at the world after the world turned their back on them. They seek revenge or in other words they willingly return the favour. They feel alone and want others to understand their pain. Sure their are better ways to cope with this, but have you ever been in their place, do you know how broken they felt? Or the hell that they have been through? The hopelesness, the feeling to be a dissapointment, a failure? To just want to end it all? Or have you ever felt like braking down? Or not being wanted by the persons you love the most, by persons that should love you no matter what? Have you felt the betrayal they had to go through? If not then you don't know how hard it is to keep your head high and give everyone a smiling, hell it isn't even simple to live! Every goddamn time they went to bed they hoped to never wake up and guess what? They did. Their fight was not about success or meaningless shit like this. No they fight to survive even thought they don't want to. They want to feel happyness. And when they did ask for help, for some love they was shoved aside like some dirt on the sidewalk. The way to survive was for them to take revenge and till it came to this they were damn strong. Crying themselves to sleep every single night, waking up in the middle of the night and just live through it and fighting those demons that lived inside their heads. If you felt or still feel like this. Talk to persons, they can even be strangers, that will listen to you. There are persons outside that will listen, you won't be a burden to them. 

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