Chapter 7

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'Save Bakugou!'


Dabi came again at the two blondes. Monoma still blocking with explosions



A big explosion, bigger than the ones from Monoma was dodging the fire. Monoma and Dabi looking shoked at the now conscious teen from class 1A.


Just as the scarf was about to catch the villain, Dabi used Bakugou as a human shield.


"No, I'm gonna sleep here with you"


Maybe he can use the kitchen to make Dunce Faces favourite snack and give it to him tomorrow.


He never thought to see Katsuki that calmly, even happy.


"You didn't even ate a bit and are refusing to eat. I guess I am a bad chef"


"No you are gonna eat before me. When was the last time you ate?"



Aizawa started his response. Now will he believe Bakugou and eat his ramen, wich is getting cold or will he force Katsuki to eat?

⚠️mention of abuse⚠️ in this

"Bakugou the truth"

Of course Aizawa wouldn't believe him. No one ever believed him. It doesn't matter the time, the situation or the facts. He was always lieing.

"Recovery Girl told me you went straight home. So please tell me or just eat."

Bakugou watched his teacher. Looking for any lies or hell! He doesn't even know what to think anymore. Aizawa made a point, as he proved Bakugou was lieing. It still wasn't enough for the ash blonde to trust him. The tired man watched intensive at his student and waited for a reaction. Katsuki not wanting to argue with his teacher stood up to get a bowl for himself. Filling it with the rest of ramen he had and sitting down across from Aizawa again. His bowl was not even half full, yet Aizawa didn't said anything and started eating.

"This is really good. This is better than anything I ever ate in a restaurant. My family is going to be jealous of me that I got to eat such delicious food."

Bakugou just observed Aizawa for awhile before eating. It was alright his mother probably would say it's too salty or it's too watery. Katsuki finished after five minutes and he ate slowly. He stood up. Took Pikachu's hamburger and put in a bag. Now he wrote "Kaminari Denki" on a piece of paper to tape it on the bag. Katsuki made sure that he wrote it neatly and more bigger so Dunce Face could read it without any problems.

As Aizawa was finished Katsuki grabbed the dishes and started cleaning, how he was taught by his mother. He was always cleaning, it doesn't matter if it were the dishes or his room, or even the whole house. His mother made sure that it was stuck in his head. She would lock him in his room for hours with nothing else to do till his room was clean enough to eat the food from the floor. Bakugou knew it was just to help him, so that he would learn to clean his own shit right away, not just after a weak or later. He was thankful for that. He learned it at a young age around 5, now he couldn't stand it anymore if it was just a bit dirty or messy. He doesn't understand how someone can live in a messy room like Deku. Everywhere layed his shirts and other clothes. Disgusting. While thinking of the shitty nerds disgusting messy and stinking room his washing got more aggressive. Aizawa noticed and was about to question the teen as he started to curse under his breath:

"Shitty Deku! Disgusting! His room disgusting! His lazy ass should clean more! Disgusting! Just disgusting!"

To Aizawa it gave the impression that Bakugou may have OCD.

An obsessive compulsive disorder in which people have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas or sensations (obsessions) that make them feel driven to do something repetitively (compulsions). The repetitive behaviors, such as hand washing, checking on things or cleaning, can significantly interfere with a person’s daily activities and social interactions.

It doesn't have to be noticed by the persons around Bakugou. If it seemed normal, like it's part of his personality or something like that. However, that doesn't mean it's not there and if Aizawa recalls right it would match the behaviour of the teen. The constantly checking if his desk is clean or the hand washing itself. Bakugou would say it's because of his quirk, the nitroglycerin that his palms produce aren't healthy to eat or get in the face so he washes them regularly. It makes sense but now it seems more like a symptom for OCD.

"Hey kid, it's clean; you can stop washing it now"


Katsuki stopped his in-trance-like washing and started to dry and put the dishes away. Shota waited patiently watching Bakugou like a hawk his prey. As Bakugou finished his task and grabbed Denki's bag he stood in front of Aizawa. The male may not look like he was confused by the behaviour of his student, nonethless, he was confused as hell. What did the blonde expected from him? Compliments, telling him he is done and can go, instructions on what to do now? What?!

Katsuki on his hand had the image in his head that he was home, cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. He was used to be yelled at, for being so slow. Sometimes he would have to take a slap or hit from his mother. He than would go in his room and clean it before his mother would check it. To wait for the screaming was nothing too new to him. His mother liked to let him believe he would get away with nothing. He once had his hopes up that he was good enough for her. Oh boy how wrong he was. The beating was one of the worse. She yelled at him what a dissapointment, failure, brat, waste of space, villain he was and whatever came to her mind. He believed it, she isn't wrong at all and the voice knows it too, deep inside he knew it for a long time, he just doesn't want to accept it. The longer he had to wait for the yelling the bigger his mistake was. Well, the biggest mistake would be him, so everything bad that happens to him is well deserved. That ,however, changes nothing about the pain and sadness in his broken heart.


A/N Thank you all so much for reading this. I would have never thought anyone would really read it. So yeah thanks again and if you have nice ideas I would be happy to hear them. Bye, have a nice day/night/evening/morning or what ever time it is. Stay healthy.

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